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单词 ritual
释义 ritual nounadjective | verb + ritual | ritual + verb | preposition adjective➤ancient, primitive古老的仪式;原始的礼仪➤traditional传统的仪式▸➤daily, nightly日常的/晚间的惯例➤sunday, etc.星期日等的惯例➤family家庭惯例◆eating around the table was a family ritual that could not be broken.围着桌子吃饭是一个不可打破的家庭规矩。➤tribal部落仪式▸➤little小仪式◆a cognac before bed is one of our little nightly rituals.临睡之前喝点儿白兰地是我们每天晚上的小习惯之一。➤elaborate, solemn精心安排的/隆重的仪式➤bizarre, strange奇怪的仪式▸➤empty空洞的程序◆bargaining at the markets is now just an empty ritual.市场上的讨价还价现在只不过是走形式罢了。➤secret秘密仪式◆secret rituals in the sacred forest在神圣的森林中举行的秘密仪式➤magical, religious魔法/宗教仪式▸➤public, social公共/社会礼仪➤sacred神圣的仪式➤catholic, hindu, jewish,、印度教、犹太教等的仪式▸➤pagan, satanic, shamanic, voodoo异教徒的/邪教的/萨满教的/伏都教的仪式▸➤burial, cleansing, courtship, fertility, funerary, healing, initiation, mating, mourning, purification丧葬仪式;净身仪式;求爱仪式;生育仪式;治疗仪式;入会仪式;交配仪式;哀悼仪式➤hazing (name) 捉弄人的仪式verb + ritual➤conduct, do, enact, go through, hold, perform举行仪式;履行程序◆she had to go through the ritual of kissing the toys before her son would go to sleep.她得亲吻一遍玩具后儿子才肯睡觉。◆rituals performed by druids on midsummer's day德鲁伊教徒在施洗约翰节时举行的仪式➤undergo经历仪式◆boys undergo a circumcision ritual to usher them into adulthood.男孩子经历割礼仪式进入成年。➤follow, observe, practise/practice遵循仪式;举行仪式◆their funerals follow the rituals of the catholic church.他们的葬礼遵循天主教会的仪式。◆they practise / practice certain rituals in connection with rites of passage.他们每次开启人生的重要阶段时都要举行某些仪式。➤complete完成仪式◆it takes several days to complete the ritual.完成这个仪式要花几天时间。➤begin开始例行公事◆jake began the evening ritual of asking about everyone's day.杰克晚上开始例行公事地询问大家一天的情况。➤make例行公事◆he makes an elaborate ritual of washing the car.他洗汽车时程序总是相当复杂。➤become成为习惯◆her visits to her aged father have become a ritual.她看望老父已成了习惯。ritual + verb➤take place仪式进行preposition➤in a/the ritual在仪式中◆women's roles in the rituals of many religions have been limited.在许多宗教的仪式中,妇女的作用都很有限。ritual /rɪtʃuəl/ [countable, uncountable] a series of actions that are always carried out in the same way, especially as part of a religious ceremony程序;仪规;礼节;(尤指)宗教仪式◆many folk dances have their origins in ancient pagan rituals.许多民间舞蹈源自古代异教徒的仪式。◆she objects to the ritual of organized religion.她反对有组织宗教的仪规。 ➡ see also ritual → habit ▸ ritual adjective◆ritual chanting / practices仪式上的圣咏演唱;仪式惯例▸ ritually adverb◆the goat was ritually slaughtered.山羊按照仪式宰杀了。ritual /rɪtʃuəl/ [countable] a thing that is done regularly and always in the same way习惯;老规矩◆she had been following this daily ritual for several months.几个月来她每天都遵循这一习惯。◆it was all part of the ritual of returning home.那是回家必做的事。ⓘ a ritual is often a series of small actions that are done at a particular time or in particular circumstances, for no obvious reason except that they have been done in that way on those occasions for a long time and people like to continue doing them. * ritual 常指在特定时间或场合所做的一套琐事。人们这样做没有什么明确的原因,仅仅是做得时间久了,乐得继续做下去。  ➡ see also ritual → ceremony ritualadjective◆ritual chanting / practices仪式上的圣咏演唱;仪式惯例ritualadjective◆ritual chanting / practices仪式上的圣咏演唱;仪式惯例ritual/ˈrɪtʃuəl ||; ˈrɪtʃυəl/noun[c,u] an action, ceremony or process which is always done the same way 仪式;例行程序 [c,u] ◇(a) religious ritual 宗教仪式 ritual adj ➔ritually adv ritualsee ⇨ tradition 3☞ ritual¹☞ ritual²




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