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单词 replace
释义 replace verb¹ 1take the place of sb/sth; exchange sb/sth代替;交换adverb | verb + replace | preposition adverb➤completely, entirely, fully, totally完全代替▸➤largely很大程度上代替➤partially部份代替▸➤merely, simply只是替换◆putting in a new kitchen can cost very little if you are simply replacing an old one.如果只是把旧的厨房设施换成新的就花不了多少钱。➤easily容易替代◆these losses are not easily replaced.这些损失不容易弥补。➤effectively事实上替代◆these guidelines effectively replaced the official procedure.这些准则事实上替代了官方程序。➤immediately, quickly, rapidly马上替换;快速替代➤gradually, slowly逐渐/慢慢替换➤eventually, finally, ultimately最终替代➤temporarily暂时替代◆williams has temporarily replaced reed on the first team.威廉斯暂时替代里德进入了一队。verb + replace➤can能够替代◆machines can't replace people in this work.机器无法代替人做这项工作。➤can afford to替换得起▸➤be built to, be designed to, be intended to, be meant to, be used to造来/设计来/旨在/本意在于/用来替代⋯◆it was built to replace the old jail.这是为了取代那座旧监狱而建的。➤decide to决定替代▸➤appoint sb to, elect sb to, nominate sb to (especially name) 任命/选举/提名某人取代⋯◆she has been nominated to replace justice o'connor on the supreme court.她被提名取代最高法院大法官奥康纳。➤attempt to, try to试图替代▸➤be costly to, be expensive to替代⋯很昂贵◆halogen lamps give excellent service, but the bulbs are expensive to replace.卤素灯很耐用,但要换灯泡却非常昂贵。➤be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to难以替代⋯;无法替代⋯preposition➤as取代而成为⋯◆she replaced jane stott as managing director.她取代简・斯托特当了总裁。➤by被⋯取代◆many of the workers have been replaced by machines.许多工人已经被机器替代了。➤with以⋯更换◆we replaced the old television set with a newer one.我们把旧电视换成了个较新的。replace verb² 2put sth back in the right place放回原处adverb | preposition adverb➤carefully, gently小心地/轻轻地放回preposition➤in放回⋯◆she replaced the dress in the wardrobe.她把裙子放回了衣橱。➤on放回⋯上◆he carefully replaced the vase on the shelf.他小心地把花瓶放回到架子上。replace /rɪpleɪs/ verb [transitive] be used instead of something else 代替;取代◆the new design will eventually replace all existing models. 新的设计最终将取代所有现有的型号。◆their currency has been replaced with the us dollar. 他们的货币已被美元取代。 take a new job, or to put a new person in a job, instead of sb else (用…)替换;(以…)接替◆mr hill replaces the outgoing head of communications. 希尔先生接替即将离任的通讯部主管。◆people leaving are not being replaced. 离职的人尚无人替代。◆she will be very difficult to replace. 她的位置很难有人接替。 (commerce 商业) to change sth that is damaged, old, or does not work properly for sth new or better 更换;更新◆people aren't replacing their computers as often as manufacturers would like. 人们不会如制造商所愿,频繁地更换计算机。☞ replacereplace verb 1➤teachers will never be replaced by computers.电脑永远取代不了老师。➤replace the old carpets更换旧地毯replace ♦︎ stand in for sb/sth ♦︎ fill in for sb/sth ♦︎ substitute for sb/sth ♦︎ cover for sb ♦︎ deputize ♦︎ relievethese words all mean to take the place of sb/sth else in a particular role or situation.这些词均表示代替、取代。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to stand in / fill in / substitute / cover / deputize for sb◆to stand in / fill in / cover for a colleague■ replace [transitive] to be used instead of sb/sth else; to do sth instead of sb/sth else代替;取代◆the new design will eventually replace all existing models.新的设计最终将会取代所有现有的型号。◆teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.课堂上电脑永远取代不了老师。◆she replaced her husband as the local doctor.她取代丈夫成了当地的医生。■ stand in for sb/sth -->phrasal verb(stood, stood)to take the place of sb/sth else, especially sb/sth more important or famous代替,顶替(尤指更重要或更著名的人或物)◆my assistant will stand in for me while i'm away.我不在时由我的助手接替我的工作。◆the scenes were filmed in north wales, which had to stand in for the north west frontier.拍摄的场景在北威尔士,不得不用那里代替西北边境。■ fill in for sb/sth phrasal verb (especially name) to stand in for sb/sth代替;顶替◆he called me one saturday morning and asked me to fill in for him.某个星期六早上他打电话给我,请我临时代替他。◆most of the locations filling in for venezuela are really in the united states.大多数作为委内瑞拉的场景其实是在美国。note 辨析 stand in for sb/sth or fill in for sb/sth?these verbs are used in the same way, but stand in for sb/sth is used more in british english and fill in for sb/sth is used more in american english.这两个短语动词用法相同,但 stand in for sb/sth 多用于英式英语,fill in for sb/sth 多用于美式英语。■ substitute for sb/sth -->phrasal verb (rather formal) to take the place of sb/sth else代替;取代◆nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you.大夫所能给你的忠告是无可替代的。◆one of her colleagues agreed to substitute for her at the last minute.最后一刻,她的一个同事同意代替她。  ➡ see also substitution → exchange ■ cover for sb -->phrasal verbto do sb's work or duties while they are away代替,顶替,替补(某人的工作或职责)◆i'm covering for jane while she's on leave.简休假时我来顶替她工作。◆you may be asked to cover for employees who are off sick.可能会要求你顶替生病的员工。note 辨析 stand in, fill in or cover?you cover for your colleagues at work, especially people who do similar jobs to you and have the same status. you stand/fill in for a person who is more senior than you in your organization, or a performer who is more famous and popular than you. when you cover for sb you are often considered to be doing them a favour; sb who stands/fills in for sb is often seen as second best. * cover for 指顶替同事的工作,特别是和你做类似工作且地位相同的同事。stand/fill in for 指代替在组织中比自己职位高的人,或者比自己更著名和更受欢迎的艺人。cover for sb 常被看作是一种帮助,stand/fill in for sb 常为退而求其次。■ deputize (bre also deputise) /depjutaɪz/ [intransitive] (formal) to do sth that sb in a higher position than you would usually do代行(职位更高者的)职责;充当代理人◆ms green has asked me to deputize for her at the meeting.格林女士请我代表她出席会议。■ relieve /rɪliːv/ [transitive] to replace sb who is on duty接替;与⋯换班◆to relieve a driver / sentry接替一名司机/哨兵◆you'll be relieved at 6 o'clock.6 点钟有人来换你的班。replace verb 2➤teachers will never be replaced by computers.电脑永远取代不了老师。➤replace the old carpets更换旧地毯replace ♦︎ switch ♦︎ change ♦︎ exchange ♦︎ substitute ♦︎ swap ♦︎ trade ♦︎ reverse ♦︎ barterthese words all mean to remove sb/sth and put another person or thing in their place.这些词均表示替换、更换。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to switch / change / exchange / substitute / swap / trade / barter a for b◆to replace / substitute / switch b with a◆to switch / exchange / swap / reverse a and b◆to replace / change a battery / bulb / fuse / tyre / wheel◆to switch / exchange / swap / reverse roles◆to change / exchange / swap / trade places◆to change / swap seats / clothes◆to exchange / swap / trade stories / jokes◆to exchange / swap experiences / news / phone numbers◆to exchange / trade insults◆to simply replace / switch / change / exchange / substitute / reverse sth◆to easily replace / switch / change / substitute / swap sth■ replace [transitive] (rather formal) to remove sb/sth and put a different or better person or thing in their place替换;接替;更换◆he will be difficult to replace when he leaves.他离职时,他的位置很难有人接替。◆all the old carpets need replacing.所有的旧地毯均要更换。◆she had an operation to replace both hips.她做了一次手术,替换掉两个髋关节。 ➡ see also replacement → exchange ■ switch [transitive] (rather informal) to put one thing in the place of another, and put the second thing in the place of the first交换;掉换;对调◆the dates of the last two exams have been switched.最后两门考试的日期掉换了。◆do you think she'll notice if i switch my glass with hers?要是把我的杯子跟她的换了,你认为她看得出来吗?◆i see you've switched the furniture around (= changed its position).我看出来你把家具重摆了。■ change [transitive] to replace one thing, person or service with sth new or different; to take sb else's position or place while they take yours替换,更换(东西、人或服务);互换,交换(位置或座位)◆marie changed her name when she got married.玛丽结婚后改了姓。◆that back tyre needs changing.那个后轮胎需要更换。◆at half-time the teams change ends.球队在半场时交换场地。◆can i change seats with you?我可以和你换座位吗?◆i want to change my doctor.我想另找一位医生看病。ⓘ the usual word in american english used to talk about giving sth back for a better thing of the same kind, is exchange; this sounds rather formal in british english.在美式英语中, 表示换上更好的同类东西用 exchange,这在英式英语中听起来相当正式◆ (bre) we changed the car for a bigger one.我们换了辆更大的汽车。◆ (name) we exchanged the car for a bigger one.我们换了辆更大的汽车。■ exchange [transitive] to give sth to sb and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them; to give or return sth that you have and get sth different or better instead交换;交流;兑换;更换◆we use the forum to exchange ideas.我们利用这个论坛交流思想。◆i shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.我与经理握手,交谈了几句。◆juliet and david exchanged glances (= they looked at each other).朱丽叶和戴维相互看了看对方。◆the two men exchanged blows (= hit each other).两个男人殴打起来。◆you can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.你可以在旅馆将钱兑换成美元。◆if it doesn't fit, take it back and the store will exchange it.如果不合适就把它拿回去,商店会给你换一个。 ➡ see also exchange → exchange noun , exchange → discussion noun ■ substitute [transitive] to use sb/sth instead of sb/sth else(用⋯)代替,取代◆margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。◆butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe.做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。◆gerrard was substituted in the second half after a knee injury (= sb else played instead of gerrard in the second half).下半场杰拉德膝盖受伤被换下。ⓘ you can substitute a for b or substitute b with a: in both cases you use a instead of b. you can also just say that you substitute sth: in this case the context needs to make clear whether the 'sth' is being used instead of sth, or is replacing sth else.可以说 substitute a for b 或 substitute b with a,这两种说法均指用 a 代替 b。还可以只说 substitute sth,但这时必须能从上下文确定替换者和被替换者。  ➡ see also substitution → exchange ■ swap (also swop) /swɒp; name swɑːp/ (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to exchange sth with sb交换;互换◆i've finished this magazine. can i swap with you?这本杂志我看完了,我能跟你交换一下吗?◆i swapped my red scarf for her blue one.我用我的红围巾换了她的蓝围巾。◆we spent the evening in the bar swapping stories (= telling each other stories) about our travels.我们一晚上坐在酒吧里互聊各自的旅途经历。◆ (especially bre) can we swap places? i can't see the screen.咱俩换一下座位好吗?我看不见银幕。ⓘ especially in british english, swap can also mean to give or return sth that you have and get sth different or better instead.尤其在英式英语中,swap 亦可指改换成别的东西◆i think i'll swap this sweater for one in another colour.我想把这件毛衣换成别的颜色。  ➡ see also swap → exchange noun ■ trade [transitive] (especially name or journalism新闻) to exchange sth with sb交换;互换◆she traded her posters for his cd.她以海报换取他的 cd。◆i wouldn't mind trading places with her for a day.我不介意和她掉换一天位置。◆cabinet colleagues traded insults over the future of the pound.内阁同僚为英镑的未来互相谩骂。note 辨析 switch, exchange, swap or trade? switch is often used when one thing is exchanged for another without sb else being asked or even knowing about it. * switch 常指未征询他人意见或在他人甚至不知情的情况下掉换◆the two babies had been switched at birth.两个婴儿在出生时已被掉换。◆the two babies had been exchanged/swapped/traded at birth. exchange is more formal than swap or trade and is often used in fixed phrases when people look at or talk to each other. * exchange 比 swap 和 trade 正式,常用于与相视或交谈有关的固定词组◆to exchange glances / a few words交换眼神;交谈几句◆to swap/trade glances/a few words you can also exchange information/ideas. swap is used more for physical things, although you can swap stories/jokes; trade is used for things and places, stories, jokes and insults in american english; in british english it is mostly used just for stories, jokes and insults, not physical things. in british english you change/swap places.还可以说 exchange information/ideas (交流信息/思想)。swap 多指交换实体的东西,但也可以说 swap stories/jokes (互相讲故事/笑话); trade 在美式英语中的宾语为物品或 places、stories、jokes 及 insults,在英式英语中的宾语主要是 stories、jokes 和 insults,而非实体的东西。在英式英语中可以说 change/swap places (换座位)。■ reverse [transitive] to exchange the positions or functions of two people or things交换(位置或功能)◆it felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.我们之间家长与孩子的关系好像倒过来了。◆she used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed.过去她为我工作,而现在我们的地位对调了。ⓘ in this meaning, reverse collocates with roles, situations and positions.表达此义时,reverse 与 roles、situations 和 positions 搭配。  ➡ see also reversal → exchange noun ■ barter [transitive, intransitive] to exchange goods, property or services for other goods, etc. without using money交换(货品、财产或服务);以物易物◆the local people bartered wheat for farm machinery.当地人用小麦换取农机。◆the prisoners tried to barter with the guards for items like writing paper and books.囚犯试着从看守那里换得稿纸和书之类的东西。  ➡ see also barter → exchange noun replace [transitive] to be used instead of sb/sth else; to do sth instead of sb/sth else代替;取代◆the new design will eventually replace all existing models.新的设计最终将会取代所有现有的型号。◆teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.课堂上电脑永远取代不了老师。◆she replaced her husband as the local doctor.她取代丈夫成了当地的医生。replace [transitive] (rather formal) to remove sb/sth and put a different or better person or thing in their place替换;接替;更换◆he will be difficult to replace when he leaves.他离职时,他的位置很难有人接替。◆all the old carpets need replacing.所有的旧地毯均要更换。◆she had an operation to replace both hips.她做了一次手术,替换掉两个髋关节。 ➡ see also replacement → exchange replace [transitive] (rather formal) to put sth back in the place where it was before把⋯放回原处◆i replaced the cup carefully in the saucer.我小心翼翼地将杯子放回茶碟。replace/rɪˈpleɪs ||; rɪˈples/verb[t] 1. replace sb/sth (as/with sb/sth) to take the place of sb/sth; to use sb/sth in place of another person or thing 取代;代替: ◇teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. 在课堂里,老师永远也不会被计算机所替代。 2. replace sb/sth (with sb/sth) to exchange sb/sth for sb/sth that is better or newer 更换;换成好的或新的;调换: ◇we will replace any goods that are damaged. 我们会更换任何损坏的货物。 3. to put sth back in the place where it was before 放回原处: ◇please replace the books on the shelves when you have finished with them. 那些书看完后,请放回书架上。 ☞ put back is more common and less formal. put back较常用,多用于非正式场合。replace1 to start doing a job that someone else used to do2 to do someone's job or work for a temporary period3 someone who replaces another person4 to put someone into someone else's job5 to replace an older type of machine, method etc6 to put something new in the place of something old, damaged, or broken7 to use one thing instead of something else or change one thing for anotherrelated wordsinstead of someone or something else 替代某人或某物 instead,to put something where it was before 把某物放回原处 put (2),1. to start doing a job that someone else used to do 开始做以前由别人做的工作 replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ [transitive verb] we're looking for someone to replace our managing director. 我们正在找人接替我们的总经理。 the lead singer was replaced by ray willis back in 1992. 1992年时,主唱歌手的位置由雷·威利斯接替了。 it was johnson's first season after replacing tom landry as coach of the cowboys. 那是约翰逊接替汤姆·兰德利担任牛仔队教练后的首个赛季。 succeed /səkˈsiːd/ [transitive verb] to be the next person to have a job or position, especially an important or powerful position, after someone else has left it or died 继位;继任;继承[别人离开或死后的工作或职位,尤重要或有势力的职位] the president appointed harold brown to succeed les aspin as chairman of the commission in 1995. 1995年总统任命哈罗德·布朗接替莱斯·阿斯平任委员会主席。 george vi died in 1952, leaving his elder daughter elizabeth to succeed him. 乔治六世于1952年逝世,由大女儿伊丽莎白继位。 take somebody's place/take the place of somebody /ˌteɪk somebodyˈs ˈpleɪs, ˌteɪk ðə ˈpleɪs əv somebody/ [verb phrase] to replace someone in a job or position, especially because you have similar skills and experience to them 替代某人的位置[尤因有相似的技能和经验] there's no one suitable to take simon's place when he leaves. 西蒙离开后,没有合适的人能取代他的位置。 if mark fails to qualify as a trainee, margaret is designated to take his place. 如果马克不合资格当实习生,就选派玛格丽特去接替他的位置。 thielen will take the place of ray owens on the board following owens's retirement. 雷·欧文斯退休后,蒂伦将接替他在董事会的职位。 take over /ˌteɪk ˈəʊvəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] to replace someone in a job or position, and to continue the work they started 接管;接任 the new manager took over in july. 新经理于7月份接任了。take over from/for do you think you'd be able to take over me when i'm gone? 你觉得我走后你能接替我吗? the attorney general of new jersey took over from the local district attorney in the case. 新泽西州的首席检察官从当地的地区律师手里接手了此案。take over as we're pleased to announce that mr. schmidt will be taking over as executive director. 我们很高兴地宣布施密特先生将接任执行董事一职。take over something (from somebody) glover's understudy took over the role on broadway. 格洛弗的替角接替了他在百老汇的角色。take something over (from somebody) maria's been my partner since i took the business over from my father. 自从我接管了父亲的生意以后,玛丽亚一直是我的搭档。 supplant /səˈplɑːntǁsəˈplænt/ [transitive verb] to replace a competitor or enemy in a position of authority or influence, especially by using unfair methods [尤指以不正当手段]把[竞争对手或敌人]排挤掉;篡夺 general salan was supplanted soon after the invasion by general henri navarre. 亨利·纳瓦拉将军入侵后,很快就排挤掉了萨朗将军。 adams, an excellent new pitcher, may supplant hayes as starting pitcher by the end of the year. 出色的新投手亚当斯可能到年底就会取代海斯而成为先发投手。2. to do someone's job or work for a temporary period 暂时替代某人的职位或工作 stand in for /ˌstænd ˈɪn fəʳ somebody/ [transitive phrasal verb] to replace someone at work for a short time or on a particular occasion, because they are unable to be there 暂时替代,暂时顶替 can you stand in for me at the meeting next week? 你能代我去开下星期的会议吗? the president was unavailable and had the vice president stand in for him. 总统没有空,就让副总统暂时代替他。 during the dangerous scenes, a stunt woman stood in for goldie hawn. 拍摄危险镜头时将由一位女特技演员代替戈尔迪·霍恩。 take over /ˌteɪk ˈəʊvəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] to replace someone and do the same job as they were doing, so that they are free to have a rest or to do something else 接管;接替[以腾出时间来休息或做其他事] liz, could you take over in reception while i make a couple of phone calls? 莉兹,我去打几个电话,你能接替一下接待工作吗?take over from/for can i see you in my office, carl? i'm sure dan can take over from you. 你到我办公室来一下好吗,卡尔?丹会帮你照看的。take over something after we'd stopped for lunch sheila took over the driving for a while. 我们停下来吃午饭以后,希拉替我们开了一会儿车。 deputize also deputise /ˈdepjɑtaɪz/ [intransitive verb] british to replace someone in a higher position for a limited period or on a particular occasion, especially when they are busy doing something else 代理,代表[较高职位的人,尤因他们忙于做别的事情] my boss had to go to the caribbean unexpectedly and asked me to deputize. 我的老板忽然要去加勒比海办事,于是就让我代理一下。deputize for the foreign minister will be deputizing for the prime minister while he recovers from his operation. 首相在手术后的恢复期间将由外交部长代理其职务。 paine, the second in command, deputized for the colonel. 副指挥佩因代理上校的指挥工作。 sub for /ˈsʌb fəʳ somebody/ [transitive phrasal verb] american informal to replace someone at work on a particular occasion, especially as a teacher or a member of a sports team 【美,非正式】代替,作替补[尤指教师或运动员] could you sub for me monday? i have a doctor's appointment. 星期一你能代我的课吗?我和医生约好了。 eisenreich subbed for the injured alou in wednesday's game. 星期三的比赛中,艾森赖希代替受伤的阿洛乌上场。 relieve /rɪˈliːv/ [transitive verb] to replace someone, especially a soldier, when they need a rest or when they have completed their hours of work 接替,换班[尤指士兵] can anyone relieve tammy? she's been on duty for ten hours without a break. 谁能接替塔米?她已连续值班十小时没有休息过了。 he was sent to cairo to relieve captain roberts for a few days. 他被派往开罗去接替罗伯茨上尉几天。 cover for /ˈkʌvəʳ fəʳ somebody/ [transitive phrasal verb] to do the work, or to be ready to do the work, of someone who is absent 代替[不在的人做某事] go and get some lunch. i'll cover for you. 去吃午饭吧,我来替你。 my name's dr brown. i'm covering for dr steele while he's on holiday. 我叫布朗博士,斯蒂尔博士去度假了,我来代他。3. someone who replaces another person 接替别人的人 replacement /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/ [countable noun] someone who replaces another person in a job or in a team, especially permanently 接替者[尤指永久性的] steve just announced he was leaving, but the coach has already started looking around for a replacement. 史蒂夫刚宣布他要走,教练就已经开始到处找接替他的人了。replacement for i'm just a temporary replacement for the receptionist. 我只是暂时接替一下当接待员而已。 they asked barbara to stay on until they could find a suitable replacement for her. 他们叫芭芭拉在找到合适的接替者之前继续留任。 successor /səkˈsesəʳ/ [countable noun] the next person to have a permanent job or position after someone else has left it 接替人,继任者;继承人 mason is case's chosen successor as committee chairman. 梅森是凯斯指定的委员会主席接班人。 smyth resigned as chief superintendent two months ago and they still haven't appointed his successor. 史密斯在两个月以前辞去了总警司的职务,他们仍没有委任继任人。successor to the orchestra is currently searching for a successor to music director james sedares. 管弦乐队目前正在寻找接替音乐总监詹姆斯·赛达瑞斯的人。 stand-in /ˈstænd ɪn/ [countable noun] someone who temporarily takes another person's place in a job or performance when they are unable to do it themselves, especially when this happens unexpectedly 临时代替人;替身演员[尤指某人突然不能做某项工作或进行表演时] ms green couldn't be here today, so i'm her stand-in. 格林女士今天不能来了,所以我来临时替代她。 ann was shirley maclaine's stand-in in the movie. 安是雪莉·麦克雷恩在这部影片中的替身。stand-in for i'd like tom to act as a stand-in for julian until he returns to work. 朱利安回来工作之前,我希望由汤姆临时代替他。 substitute also sub informal /ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt, ˈsʌbstətjuːtǁ-tuːt, sʌb/ [countable noun] someone who takes someone else's place in a team for a limited period of time, especially because the other person is injured or tired 替补[队员],替换者[尤因球队中某人受伤了或累了] if marsh has not fully recovered, his likely substitute will be robinson. 如果马什未能完全康复,那么担任替补的很可能是罗宾逊。 with key players out of energy, it was a sub who scored six points in the last two minutes and won the game. 当主力队员都精疲力竭之际,一名替补队员在最后两分钟内得了六分,赢了比赛。bring somebody on as a substitute for somebody ten minutes into the second half davies was brought on as substitute for ward. 下半场开始十分钟后,戴维斯被派上场代替沃德。 acting /ˈæktɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] an acting chairman, director, manager is someone who replaces someone in a position of authority for a limited period of time 代理的[主席、董事、经理等] while kershaw was in the hospital saunders became acting chairman. 克肖住院期间,桑德斯任代理主席。 mrs hamilton has been appointed acting head of the school until a permanent replacement can be found. 汉密尔顿夫人被任命为代校长,直至找到正式的接替者。 supply teacher british /substitute teacher american also sub american informal /səˈplaɪ ˌtiːtʃəʳ, ˈsʌbstə̇tjuːt ˌtiːtʃəʳǁ -tuːt-, sʌb/ [countable noun] informal a teacher who replaces another teacher for a limited period of time 【非正式】代课教师 we'll need a sub for dawn's class tomorrow. 我们需要找个代课老师去上明天唐的班级的课。 the kids always misbehave when they have a substitute teacher. 孩子们遇到代课教师上课时总要捣蛋。 ray was working as a supply teacher to earn some extra money. 雷在做代课老师来挣点外快。4. to put someone into someone else's job 使某人代替别人的工作 replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ [transitive verb] they still haven't replaced three of the managers who resigned. 他们仍未找到人来替代那三名辞职的经理。 i hate to see gretchen go - we'll never be able to replace her. 我不希望格蕾琴离开,我们再也找不到能替代她的人了。replace somebody with somebody the firm has been dismissing experienced staff and replacing them with younger people on lower salaries. 公司在解雇经验丰富的员工,并以较低的薪水雇用年轻人取代他们。5. to replace an older type of machine, method etc 更换掉较旧式的机器、方法等 replace/take the place of /rɪˈpleɪs, ˌteɪk ðə ˈpleɪs ɒv/ [transitive verb/verb phrase] in most offices, computers have replaced the old typewriters. 在大多数办公室内,电脑已取代了旧式的打字机。 one ‘smart card’ can take the place of cash, cheques, and credit cards. 一张“智能卡”就可代替现金、支票和信用卡。 gas and electricity have almost completely replaced coal for domestic cooking and heating in britain. 在英国,煤气和电在家居煮食和取暖方面差不多已完全取代了煤。 ugly new concrete buildings have taken the place of the old houses. 丑陋的新混凝土大楼已经取代了那些老房子。 supersede /ˌsuːpəʳˈsiːd, ˌsjuː-ǁˌsuː-/ [transitive verb] if a new invention, idea, or method supersedes another one, it replaces it because it is more modern or effective [新的发明、思想或方法]取代[另一个,因为它更加现代或有效] iron began to supersede bronze for tool making about 3000 years ago. 大约三千年前,铁开始取代铜用于制造工具。 the computers used to be top of the line, but they have been superseded by more recent models. 这种电脑曾是最尖端的,但现在已经被更新式的型号取代了。 it is unlikely that scientific thinking will ever entirely supersede superstition and religion. 科学的思维不大可能彻底取代迷信和宗教。 give way to /ˌgɪv ˈweɪ tuː/ [verb phrase] to be gradually replaced by something better, more suitable, or more advanced 逐渐被[更好、更合适或更先进的东西]取代 hunting and fishing settlements gave way to small towns as the population grew. 随着人口的增长,渔猎部落逐渐被小城镇所取代。 with the rise in oil prices, big american cars were forced to give way to smaller, more economical models. 随着石油价格的上涨,大型美国汽车被迫让位于更小巧、更经济的车型。6. to put something new in the place of something old, damaged, or broken 拿新的东西取代旧的或破损的东西 replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ [transitive verb] your car's in good condition but you ought to replace the tires. 你的汽车保养得很好,不过你应该把轮胎换一换了。 before we move in, the place has to be redecorated and all the carpets replaced. 我们搬进来之前,这个地方要重新装修,所有地毯也都要换掉。replace something with something they're going to replace the old wooden bridge with one made of concrete. 他们打算造一座水泥桥来替换这座旧木桥。 renew /rɪˈnjuːǁrɪˈnuː/ [transitive verb] british to replace something, such as a piece of machinery or equipment, after it has been used for a certain length of time and is damaged or likely to be damaged 【英】更换;更新[已经用过一段时间,而且已经破损或可能破损的东西] you should check the engine carefully, renewing any parts that are worn or damaged. 你应该仔细检查一下引擎,把已经磨损或损坏的部件更换下来。 it is wise to renew your water filter every month, even though it may seem to be working satisfactorily. 滤水器可能看上去用得很好,但每月更换一下还是明智的。 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [transitive verb] to replace a piece of equipment when it is broken or not working 更换[破损或不能运作的设备] can you change this light bulb for me? i can't reach. 你能帮我把这个灯泡换下来吗?我够不着。 all drivers should really know how to change a flat tire. 所有的驾车者都应该很熟悉怎样更换漏气的轮胎。 you should change or clean your furnace filter once a month to improve performance. 你应该每月一次更换或清洁暖气炉上的过滤器以提高其性能。7. to use one thing instead of something else or change one thing for another 用一物代替另一物或换掉另一物 substitute /ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt, ˈsʌbstətjuːtǁ-tuːt/ [transitive verb] to use something new or different instead of something else, especially when cooking [尤指烹饪时以新的或不同的一物]代替[另一物] if plums are difficult to find, figs can be substituted. 如果很难找到李子,可以用无花果代替。substitute something for something you can substitute margarine for butter in this recipe. 这道菜里可以用人造黄油来替代黄油。 switch/swap /swɪtʃ, swɒpǁswɑːp/ [transitive verb] to secretly replace two things without someone knowing [秘密地]掉换,偷换,掉包 someone must have switched the suitcases at the airport when i wasn't paying attention. 在机场时肯定有人趁我不注意把旅行箱掉包了。switch/swap something for something wait till he goes out, then we can swap your book for his. 等他出去,我们就可以把你的书跟他的偷换一下。 re·place /rɪ`ples; rɪˈpleɪs/v [t] 1. a) to start using a different person or thing instead of the one you use now 接替[某人、某物]:◇replace sb/sth with they later replaced the coach with a younger man. 他们后来用了一个较年轻的人接替这个教练。 b) to start being used instead of someone or something else 取代[某人、某事物]:◇the new software package replaces the old one. 新软件组合取代了旧软件组合。 2. to put something back in its correct place 把[某物]放回原处:◇please replace the books when you are finished. 看完后请把书放回原处。 3. to get something new because the old one has been lost, stolen, damaged etc 更换,替换[某物] ☞ replace




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