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单词 reimburse
释义 reimburse verbadverb | preposition adverb➤fully, in full (especially bre) 偿清◆his costs in recovering the lost suitcase were fully reimbursed.他找回丢失的手提箱的所有花费都得到了补偿。◆all monies received will be reimbursed in full.所收款项都将全额偿还。preposition➤for偿还⋯◆you will be reimbursed for your expenses.会给你报销费用。 reimburse /riːɪmbɜːs; name -bɜːrs/ verb [transitive] to pay back money to sb which they have spent or lost 偿还;补偿◆we will reimburse any expenses incurred. 我们将偿付所有相关费用。◆you will be reimbursed for any loss or damage caused by our company. 对于本公司给您造成的任何损失或损害,您都将得到赔偿。 syn refund ▸ reimbursement noun [uncountable, countable] ☞ reimbursereimburse /riːɪmbɜːs; name riːɪmbɜːrs/ [transitive] (formal) to pay back money to sb which you have caused them to spend or lose偿还,补偿(某人的花费或损失)◆we will reimburse any expenses incurred while you are on company business.我们将报销你因公司业务产生的所有开支。◆you will be reimbursed for any loss or damage caused by our company.如本公司给您造成损失或损害,您都将得到赔偿。  ➡ see also reimbursement → compensation reimburse/ˌri:ɪmˈbɜ:s ||; ˌriɪmˈbɝs/verb [t] (formal 正式) to pay money back to sb 付还;赔偿: ◇the company will reimburse you in full for your travelling expenses. 公司会为你报销全部出差费。 reimbursesee ⇨ pay 6 re·im·burse /ˏriɪm`bɜs; ˌriːɪmˈbɜːs/v [t]formal to pay money back to someone 【正式】 偿还,付还[钱款]:◇reimburse sb for sth the company will reimburse you for your travel expenses. 你的旅行开支可以向公司报销。




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