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单词 regular/regularly
释义 regular/regularly1 when you do something regularly, or something happens regularly2 not regularly3 with equal spaces in betweenrelated wordshave a regular shape 具有固定状态的 shape (5), usually,, sometimes, often1. when you do something regularly, or something happens regularly 定期做某事或某事定期发生 regularly /ˈregjɑləʳli/ [adverb] if you do something regularly, you do it on many different occasions, usually with the same amount of time in between 定期地;经常地 i've been going jogging regularly for a couple of years now. 我经常去慢跑,至今已有好几年了。 both my sons phone me regularly, usually once a week. 我的两个儿子定期打电话给我,通常是一周一次。 company reports are published regularly and sent out to all shareholders. 公司的报告定期发表,并分发给所有股东。 regular /ˈregjɑləʳ/ [adjective usually before noun] a regular event or activity happens every hour, every week, every month etc, usually with the same amount of time in between [事件或活动]定期的,定时的 do you do any regular exercise? 你定时进行锻炼吗? it's important to visit your dentist for regular check-ups. 去牙医那里作定期检查是很重要的。 the parent-teacher association has regular meetings every month. 家长教师协会每月开一次例会。on a regular basis regularly 定期地 more than 60% of adults drink wine on a regular basis. 60%以上的成年人定期喝酒。at regular intervals with equal amounts of time between 每隔一定时间 the prison is inspected at regular intervals by government health officers. 政府的卫生检查官定期视察这座监狱。a regular feature (of something) a regular event that has become an important part of something [某事物的]固定特色 the exhibitions by young artists formed a regular feature of the london arts scene. 青年艺术家举办的展览构成了伦敦艺术界的固定特色。 every day/every week/every year etc /ˌevri ˈdeɪ/ [adverb] she cycles to work every day. 她每天骑自行车上班。 every sunday we go to my mother's for lunch. 每个星期天我们都到我妈妈家去吃午饭。 the series has been on tv every week for forty years. 这系列节目四十年来每周一次在电视上播出。 hourly/daily/weekly/monthly etc /ˈaʊəʳli, ˈdeɪli, ˈwiːkli, ˈmʌnθli/ [adjective usually before noun] happening or done every hour, every day etc 每小时的/每天的/每星期的/每个月的等 there are daily flights to frankfurt. 每天都有航班飞往法兰克福。 a weekly current affairs programme 每周时事节目 a monthly magazine 月刊 hourly/daily etc /ˈaʊəʳli, ˈdeɪli/ [adverb] the news is broadcast hourly on network five. 第五联播台每小时播一次新闻。 do you get paid monthly or weekly? 你是按月还是按周领取工资的? every other day/week/year etc /ˌevri ʌðəʳ ˈdeɪ/ [adverb] happening one day, week etc, but not the next and continuing in this way 每隔一天/周/年等 every other thursday there's a farmers’ market in the town. 每隔一个星期四镇上就有一次农贸集市。 how often do you go shopping? oh, every other day. “你多久去购物一次?”“噢,隔天一次。” alternate days/weeks/years etc /ɔːlˌtɜːnɪt ˈdeɪz, ɔːlˌtɜːnət ˈdeɪzǁˌɔːltərnə̇t-/ [adjective phrase] especially british happening one day, week etc, but not the next and continuing in this way. alternate days etc is more formal than every other day etc 【尤英】隔天/周/年的等 i have to work a 37 hour week, including alternate weekends. 我每周工作37小时,包括隔周的周末。 indoor bowls nights are held at the hall on alternate tuesdays at 7.30. 室内保龄球之夜每隔周二晚上7:30在大厅内举行。2. not regularly 不定期的 every now and then/every so often /ˌevri naʊ ən ˈðen, ˌevri səʊ ˈɒfənǁ-ˈɔːf-/ [adverb] sometimes, but not very often and not regularly 有时,不时 i only smoke every now and then, at a party or when we go out to eat. 我只是有时候吸吸烟,在聚会上或出去吃饭时才吸。 every so often the silence was broken by the sound of gunfire. 宁静时不时被炮火声打断。 on and off/off and on /ˌɒn ənd ˈɒf, ˌɒf ənd ˈɒn/ [adverb] if you do something on and off or off and on during a long period, you do it for short periods but not regularly [在一段长时间内]断断续续地[做某事] i've been trying to learn spanish on and off for the past five years. 过去五年来我一直断断续续地想学西班牙语。 ‘are you still going out with bill?’ ‘off and on.’ “你还在和比尔出去约会吗?”“断断续续的。” by/in fits and starts /baɪ, ɪn ˌfɪts ənd ˈstɑːʳts/ [adverb] repeatedly starting and stopping, but not regularly and never for more than a short time 断断续续地,一阵一阵地 unfortunately our research has only continued in fits and starts. 可惜的是我们的研究只是在断断续续地进行。advance/grow/progress etc in fits and starts the disease progressed in fits and starts for at least two decades. 这种疾病断断续续地持续了至少二十年。 american military technology has advanced by fits and starts. 美国的军事技术在断断续续地取得进展。 intermittent /ˌɪntəʳˈmɪtənt◂/ [adjective] happening repeatedly but not continuously 断断续续的;间歇的 there will be intermittent thunderstorms throughout the day. 日间将时有雷暴。 after two days of intermittent fighting, order was finally restored. 经过两天断断续续的战斗后终于恢复了秩序。 intermittently [adverb] i slept intermittently through the night. 我一夜睡得断断续续的。 sporadic /spəˈrædɪk/ [adjective] happening repeatedly over a fairly long time but not regularly and only for short periods within that time 零星的;偶尔发生的 our advertising campaigns have been too sporadic to have had a lot of success. 我们的广告宣传太零星,所以不可能有大的成效。 since then he has been on sporadic drinking binges. 从那以后,他就开始偶尔来一次狂饮作乐。sporadic fighting/violence/shots/outbreaks etc there was rioting and sporadic fighting in the city as rival gangs clashed. 敌对的匪帮发生冲突时,市里有过骚乱和零星的打斗。 sporadic outbreaks of disease 疾病的偶尔爆发 in waves /ɪn ˈweɪvz/ [adverb] if something happens in waves, a short period of activity is followed by a pause, and then there is another short period of activity and another pause, and it continues in this way 一阵一阵地,时有时无地 the recruitment of new staff has been proceeding in waves. 招聘新员工的工作一浪接一浪地进行着。 pain and nausea swept over him in waves. 疼痛和恶心一阵阵地向他袭来。3. with equal spaces in between 平均间隔的 at regular intervals /ət ˌregjɑlər ˈɪntəʳvəlz/ [adverb] if things are arranged at regular intervals, they are arranged, usually in a line, with equal distances between them 每隔一定距离[通常排成一行] there are stations where runners can get water at regular intervals throughout the marathon. 马拉松全程途中平均隔一段就有供水站为运动员提供饮用水。 small trees can be planted at regular intervals along a path to create an avenue. 沿小道均距间隔种植小树可以造出林荫道。 every metre/mile/10 kilometres etc /ˌevri ˈmiːtəʳ/ [adverb] at regular points that are a metre, mile etc apart along a line, road etc 每隔一米/一英里/十公里等 it was so steep that we had to stop and rest about every twenty metres. 这么陡峭,我们只好每隔约二十米停下来休息。 there are coastguard stations every ten miles along the coast. 沿着海岸每隔十英里就有一个海岸警卫站。 evenly spaced /ˌiːvənli ˈspeɪst◂/ [adjective phrase] arranged with regular spaces 均匀间隔的 our tents are evenly spaced over a large area to give you maximum privacy. 我们的帐篷在一大片地区内均匀分布着,以给人最大的私密性。 the word processor will arrange your text in evenly spaced columns. 文字处理器会把你的文本排成间距相等的栏。




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