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单词 wise
释义 wise adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, prove, seem英明;看起来明智;证明明智;似乎明智➤become, grow变得明智▸➤consider sth, deem sth, think sth认为⋯明智◆it was not considered wise to move her to another hospital.把她转到另一家医院并不是明智之举。adverb➤very非常英明▸➤always总是明智◆it is always wise to write down important points.把要点写下来总是明智的。 wise adjectivewise ♦︎ sensible ♦︎ prudentthese words all describe sb who is able to make good decisions or give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that they have.这些词均表示有智慧的、明智的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a wise / sensible / prudent person / man / woman■ wise able to make good decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have有智慧的;明智的◆he was too wise and experienced to try to escape.他很明智,又有经验,不会试图逃跑的。◆i'm older and wiser after ten years in the business.商海十年,我变得老练精明了。opp foolish → crazy  ➡ see also wisdom → knowledge ▸ wisely adverb◆she wisely turned down the offer.她很明智,拒绝了那个邀请。■ sensible able to make good decisions based on reason and experience rather than emotion明智的;理智的;合理的◆i wish you'd be sensible for once!我希望你能理智点,哪怕就一次!◆she was a pleasant, sensible woman.她是个和蔼可亲、通情达理的女人。opp stupid → crazy  ➡ see also mature → adult ▸ sensibly adverb◆sensibly they decided not to oppose the case.他们很明智,决定不针对此辩词提出反对意见。note 辨析 wise or sensible? wise is often used to describe older people who are respected for the knowledge that they have gained through experience, and which they use to do good. sensible can describe people of any age who make the right decisions in everyday, practical matters. being sensible is a good quality but it is sometimes seen as rather boring. * wise 常形容因见多识广、明察善断而受人尊敬的年纪较大的人,sensible 可形容日常实际事务中作出明智决定的任何年龄的人,sensible 是一种良好品质,但有时显得平淡无味。■ prudent /pruːdnt/ sensible and careful when making decisions, avoiding unnecessary risks谨慎的;慎重的;精明的◆she has always been a prudent businesswoman.她做生意一直很慎重。ⓘ the opposite of prudent is imprudent, but this is used to describe actions and decisions much more than people. * prudent 的反义词是 imprudent,但大多用于描述行为和决定,少用于描述人。  ➡ see also prudence → care noun wisebased on or showing good judgement明智的;高明的◆locking your car doors is always a wise precaution.锁上车门总是明智的防范措施。◆the wisest course of action is just to say nothing.最明智的做法就是缄口不言。◆it was very wise of you to leave when you did.你那时离开非常明智。 opp unwise → reckless ▸ wisely adverb◆he wisely decided to tell the truth.他明智地决定实话实说。wiseable to make good decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have有智慧的;明智的◆he was too wise and experienced to try to escape.他很明智,又有经验,不会试图逃跑的。◆i'm older and wiser after ten years in the business.商海十年,我变得老练精明了。opp foolish → crazy  ➡ see also wisdom → knowledge ▸ wisely adverb◆she wisely turned down the offer.她很明智,拒绝了那个邀请。wise/waɪz ||; waɪz/adj having the knowledge or experience to make good and sensible decisions and judgements 聪明的;明智的;有才智的: ◇a wise choice 聪明的选择◇it would be wiser to wait for a few days. 多等几天较为明智。 ➔wisely adv wisesee ⇨ intelligent 3 ⇨ sensible 2     • • •• ⇨ get wise to• ⇨ smart-ass/wise guy☞ wise¹☞ wise²




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