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单词 jerk
释义 jerk noun¹ 1sudden movement突然的动adjective | verb + jerk | preposition adjective➤quick, sharp, sudden, violent快速的/剧烈的/突发的/猛烈的抽动verb + jerk➤give出现抽动◆his thigh muscle gave a sudden jerk.他的大腿肌肉突然抽搐了一下。preposition➤with a jerk of猛的一动◆she answered with a jerk of her head.她回答时头猛地动了一下。jerk noun² 2 (informal) stupid person愚蠢的人adjective➤complete, real, total完全的/绝对的/十足的傻瓜➤stupid傻瓜➤arrogant, conceited, egotistical, pompous, self-centred/self-centered, selfish傲慢的/自负的/自命不凡的/自大的/自我为中心的/自私的傻瓜➤insensitive, macho感情麻木的/大男子气的傻瓜jerk verbadverb | phrases adverb➤abruptly, suddenly突然猛拉▸➤sharply, violently剧烈地/激烈地猛拉▸➤convulsively, spasmodically痉挛性地/间歇性地抽搐➤instinctively本能地急拉◆she jerked her hand back instinctively.她本能地抽回了手。➤away, back, backwards/backward, downwards/downward, forward, sideways, up, upright, upwards/upward猛地抽走;猛然抽回;猛然向后拉;向下急拉;向前急拉;猛然拉向一边;猛然拉起;猛然拉直;向上急拉◆she suddenly jerked her hand away.她突然把手抽开。◆his head jerked up.他的头猛然抬起。phrases➤jerk awake猛然惊醒◆the train stopped and she jerked awake.火车停了,她猛然惊醒。➤jerk sth open猛然推开⋯◆he jerked the door open.他猛然推开了门。➤jerk to a halt, jerk to a stop颠簸着停住◆the bus jerked to a stop.那辆公共汽车猛地一颠,停了下来。jerk (especially name, informal, disapproving, offensive) a person, especially a man or boy, who is stupid, rude or annoying蠢人,傻瓜,笨蛋(尤指男子)◆he was acting like a complete jerk.他的行为像个十足的笨蛋。◆he silently swore at himself for being such a jerk.他暗骂自己竟然这么蠢。jerk [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to pull sth with a sudden short sharp movement急拉;猛拉◆she grabbed his hand and jerked him back from the kerb.她抓住他的手,猛地一下把他从马路牙子上拉回来。jerk¹/dʒɜ:k ||; dʒɝk/verb [i,t] to move or make sb/sth move with a sudden sharp movement (使)猛然一动 · ◇she jerked the door open. 她猛地把门拉开。◇his head jerked back as the car suddenly set off. 汽车突然开动的时候,他的头猛地往后一仰。 ➔jerky adj ➔jerkily advjerk²/dʒɜ:k ||; dʒɝk/noun[c] 1. a sudden sharp movement 猛然一动 2. (especially us 尤为美) (slang 俚语) a stupid or annoying person 蠢人;讨厌的人 jerksee ⇨ move/not move 6 ⇨ pull 2 ⇨ rude 4 ⇨ stupid/silly 4☞ jerk¹☞ jerk²




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