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单词 jangle
释义 jangle [intransitive, transitive] to make a harsh sound, like the sound of several small pieces of metal hitting each other; to make sth do this(使)发出金属撞击声,发出丁零当啷的刺耳声◆the shop bell jangled loudly.商店的钟叮当声大作。◆he jangled the keys in his pocket.他把兜里的钥匙弄得丁零当啷乱响。▸ jangle noun [countable, usually singular] ◆the shrill jangle of the doorbell made them both jump.尖锐刺耳的门铃声吓了他们俩一跳。janglenoun [countable, usually singular] ◆the shrill jangle of the doorbell made them both jump.尖锐刺耳的门铃声吓了他们俩一跳。janglenoun [countable, usually singular] ◆the shrill jangle of the doorbell made them both jump.尖锐刺耳的门铃声吓了他们俩一跳。jangle/ˈdʒæŋgl ||; ˈdʒæŋgḷ/verb [i,t] to make a noise like metal hitting against metal; to move sth so that it makes this noise (使)发出金属碰撞声 · ◇the baby smiles if you jangle your keys. 你朝娃娃叮当叮当地摇摇钥匙,他便朝你笑。 jangle noun [u] jan·gle /`dʒæŋgḷ; ˈdʒæŋɡəl/v [i,t]if small metal objects jangle, they make a ringing noise as they hit against each other [小金属物件碰撞时]发出叮当声:◇her jewellery jangled when she moved. 她走动时佩戴的首饰叮零当啷地响。 janglen [singular 单数]




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