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单词 suck
释义 suck verbadverb | preposition adverb➤noisily出声地吸吮◆she was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.她正嗞嗞地用吸管喝着牛奶。➤away, in, out, up吮吸;吸入;吸出;吸起◆she sucked away on her thumb.她一个劲儿地吮着大拇指。◆he cut the orange in half and sucked out the juice.他把橘子切成两半,吸出橘子汁。preposition➤at吮⋯◆he sucked at the wound on his hand.他吮了吮手上的伤口。➤from从⋯吸◆the machine sucks up mud and stones from the bottom of the pond.机器把泥巴和石头从池塘底部吸上来。➤on吮吸⋯◆the baby sucked on her bottle.婴儿吸吮着奶瓶。➤through通过⋯吸➤into, out of吸进⋯;从⋯吸出suck [transitive, intransitive] to take liquid or air into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips; to keep sth in your mouth and pull on it with your lips and tongue吮吸;咂;含在嘴里吸食◆she was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.她正用吸管咕嘟嘟地喝着牛奶。◆he sucked a mint.他嘴里含着一粒薄荷糖。◆he sucked on a mint.他嘴里咂着一粒薄荷糖。suck/sʌk ||; sʌk/verb1. [i,t] to pull a liquid into your mouth 吮;吸啜 [t] ◇to suck milk up through a straw 用吸管吸牛奶 ☞picture at blow 见blow插图 2. [i,t] to have sth in your mouth and keep touching it with your tongue 含在嘴里舔着吃: ◇he was noisily sucking (on) a sweet. 他在出声地舔吃糖果。 3. [t] to pull sth in a particular direction, using force 抽吸;卷入: ◇vacuum cleaners suck up the dirt. 真空吸尘器吸走灰尘。 sucksee ⇨ bad 1 suck /sʌk; sʌk/v [i,t] 1. to hold something in your mouth and pull on it with your tongue and lips 含在嘴里吮:◇don't suck your thumb, katie. 不要吮大拇指,凯蒂。◇+ on barry was sucking on a candy bar. 巴利正在吮一块糖。 2. to take liquid into your mouth, through a straw etc [用吸管等]吸,啜 3. to pull someone or something with a lot of force 大力拉,把…卷走:◇+ down/under etc a man almost got sucked under the water by the current. 一个男人险些被水流卷进水底。 4. be sucked into (doing) sth to become involved in something unpleasant 卷入某事中[尤指令人不愉快的事]:◇he was quickly sucked into a life of crime. 他很快就不能自拔以犯罪为生。 ☞ suck




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