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单词 apprentice
释义 apprentice /əprentɪs/ noun [countable] (hr 人力资源) a young person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job 学徒◆she's now taken on three young apprentices. 她现在带三名年轻学徒。◆he started work at sixteen as an apprentice chef. 他十六岁起当厨师学徒。☞ apprentice apprentice /əprentɪs/ [countable] a young person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job学徒;徒弟◆she joined us as an apprentice chef in 1990.她于 1990 年加入我们,当厨师学徒。ⓘ apprentice is usually used to talk about sb who is learning to do a job which requires practical skills, rather than academic achievement. it is frequently used before another noun. * apprentice 一般指需要实践技能而非学术成就的工作的学徒,常用于另一名词前◆an apprentice electrician / plumber / bricklayer / jockey / chef电工/水暖工/瓦工/骑师/厨师学徒apprentice/əˈprentɪs ||; əˈprɛntɪs/noun [c] a person who works for low pay, in order to learn the skills needed in a particular job 学徒: ◇an apprentice electrician/chef/plumber 电工/厨师/管子工学徒 apprenticesee ⇨ learn 3 ap·pren·tice /ə`prɛntɪs; əˈprentɪs/n [c]someone who works for an employer for an agreed amount of time in order to learn a skill 学徒,徒弟




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