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单词 sexism
释义 sexism nounadjective | verb + sexism adjective➤blatant, rampant露骨的/无处不在的性别歧视◆she was shocked by his blatant sexism.她对他露骨的性别偏见感到震惊。◆sexism is rampant in many institutions.许多机构中的性别歧视现象很普遍。verb + sexism➤fight, fight against反对性别歧视◆efforts to fight sexism in the workplace抵制工作场所中的性别歧视现象的努力 sexism /seksɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] the unfair treatment of people, especially women, because of their sex; the attitude that causes this 性别歧视◆legislation designed to combat sexism in the work place 旨在反对工作场所性别歧视的法规 ▸ sexist noun [countable] ▸ sexist adjective◆a sexist attitude/remark 带有性别歧视的态度/言论☞ sexismsexism [uncountable] (disapproving) the unfair treatment of people, especially women, because of their sex; the attitude that causes this(尤指对女性的)性别歧视,性别偏见◆legislation designed to combat sexism in the workplace旨在打击工作场所性别歧视的法规◆a study of sexism in language对语言中存在的性别歧视的研究▸ sexist adjective◆a sexist attitude性别歧视的态度◆sexist language有性别歧视的语言sexism/ˈseksɪzəm ||; ˈsɛksɪzəm/noun [u] the unfair treatment of people, especially women, because of their sex; the attitude that causes this 性别歧视;性别偏见 ➔sexist /ˈseksɪst ||; ˈsɛksɪst/ adj a sexist attitude to women 歧视女性的态度 · ◇sexist jokes 带性别歧视的笑话 sexismsee ⇨ prejudiced 2 sex·is·m /`sɛksɪzəm; ˈseksɪzəm/n [u]when someone is treated in an unfair way because of the sex that they are 性别偏见,性别歧视




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