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单词 protocol
释义 protocol /prəʊtəkɒl; name proʊtəkɔːl; -kɑːl/ noun1. (it 信息技术) [countable] a set of rules that control the way data is sent between computers (数据传递的)协议2. [uncountable, countable] the rules for the correct way of behaving or of doing sth in a particular situation or organization 礼仪◆what's the protocol for asking questions at these meetings? 在这些会议上提问的礼仪是甚么?☞ protocolprotocol/ˈprəʊtəkɒl ||; ˈprotəˌkɔl/noun1. [u] (formal 正式) a system of fixed rules and formal behaviour used at official meetings, usually between governments 外交礼仪(通常指政府间的);礼节: ◇a breach of protocol 外交礼仪的破坏◇the protocol of diplomatic visits 外交访问的礼遇 2. [c] (technical术语) the first or original version of a written agreement, especially one between countries; an extra part added to a written agreement 议定书,协议书(尤指国家间的);(协议书的)补充条款: ◇the first geneva protocol 第一个日内瓦议定书◇it is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty. 这在有法律效力的协议书中已经阐明,该协议书是条约的组成部份。 3. [c] (computing计算机技术) a set of rules that control the way information is sent between computers (计算机之间发送信息的)规程 4. [c] (technical术语) a plan for carrying out a scientific experiment or medical treatment 科学试验;治疗方案protocolsee ⇨ rule/regulation 2 pro·to·col /`protəˏkɔl; ˈprəʊtəkɒl/n [u]a system of rules about the correct way to behave on official occasions [正式场合的]礼仪,礼节




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