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单词 sever
释义 sever/ˈsevə(r) ||; ˈsɛvɚ/verb [t] (formal 正式) 1. to cut sth into two pieces; to cut sth off 切断;割断: ◇the builders accidentally severed a water pipe. 建筑工人意外地弄断了水管。◇his hand was almost severed in the accident. 他的手在事故中几乎折断了。 2. to end a relationship or communication with sb 断绝,终止(关系或联系): ◇he has severed all links with his former friends. 他与以前的朋友断绝了一切关系。 seversee ⇨ cut 7 ⇨ stop 22 sev·er /`sɛvə; ˈsevə/v [t]formal 【正式】 1. to cut through something completely 切断,割断:◇his finger was severed in the accident. 他的手指在事故中被切断了。 2. to completely end a relationship or agreement with someone 断绝[关系],结束[协议]:◇the us severed all ties with iraq. 美国断绝了与伊拉克的所有关系。




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