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单词 pierce
释义 pierce/pɪəs ||; pɪrs/verb1. [t] to make a hole in sth with a sharp point (用尖物)刺穿,刺破,刺入,穿孔于: ◇i'm going to have my ears pierced. 我要去穿耳洞。 2. [i,t] pierce (through/into) sth to manage to go through or into sth (声音、光线等)响彻,照进 · ◇a scream pierced the air. 一声尖叫刺破长空。 piercesee ⇨ hole 8 pierce /pɪrs; pɪəs/v [t] 1. to make a hole in or through something using an object with a sharp point 刺穿,刺破:◇i'm getting my ears pierced. (=having holes in your ears to wear jewellery) 我打算去穿耳朵。◇a bullet pierced his body. 一颗子弹射入了他的身躯。 2. literary if a bright light or a loud sound pierces something, you can suddenly see it or hear it 【文】 [光或声音]被突然看见[听到]:◇the lights from the boat pierced the fog. 小船上的亮光划破了雾气。




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