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单词 head start
释义 head start [singular] an advantage that sb already has before they start doing sth(事先就有的)优势◆being able to speak french gave her a head start over the other candidates.会说法语使她比别的候选人占优势。◆we've got a real head start on the rest of the industry.我们在这个行业中一开始就遥遥领先于其他企业。ˌhead ˈstartnoun [sing] an advantage that you have from the beginning of a race or competition (比赛、竞赛等)开始时已具有的优势 ☞compare start ² (4). 与start^2(4)比较。 head start• ⇨ have a head start head start /ˌ· ˈ·/n [c]an advantage that helps you to be successful [开始做某事时已具备的]优势:◇his education gave him a head start. 他所受的教育使他在起步的时候就占了优势。




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