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单词 difficulty
释义 difficulty nounadjective | ... of difficulty | verb + difficulty | difficulty + verb | preposition adjective➤considerable, enormous, extreme, grave, great, major, real, serious, severe相当大的困难;巨大的困难;极大的难题;重大的困难;真正的难题;严重的困难◆we had enormous difficulty in getting hold of the right equipment.我们为找合适的设备费了大劲儿。➤insurmountable无法克服的困难▸➤increasing越来越困难◆questions of increasing difficulty难度越来越大的问题➤inherent固有的困难◆the difficulties inherent in treating overdose patients治疗过量服药病人时固有的困难➤potential潜在的困难▸➤particular, special特别的/特殊的困难◆english spelling presents special difficulties for foreign learners.对外国学习者来讲,英语拼写特别困难。➤economic, financial经济/财政困难▸➤practical, technical实际困难;技术性难题◆i think we've managed to overcome most of the practical difficulties.我认为我们已经设法克服了大部份的实际困难。➤behavioural/behavioral, emotional, learning行为/情绪/学习困难◆children with learning difficulties有学习困难的儿童... of difficulty➤level难度◆the games have various levels of difficulty.游戏有不同的难度等级。verb + difficulty➤encounter, experience, face, get into, have, run into遇到困难;经历困难;面临困难;陷入困境;有困难◆among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities.遇到的困难之一就是缺少权力机关的合作。◆anyone experiencing difficulty with radio reception should call us on the new helpline.如果无线电接收有困难,请拨打我们新的服务电话。◆some companies are getting into difficulty.一些公司正面临困难。◆let me know if you have any difficulties.有困难请告诉我。◆i had little difficulty in persuading the others to come.我没费多少事就说服其他人来了。◆the plan has run into serious difficulties.计划陷入了严重的困境。➤cause, create, make, pose, present造成/制造/成为/形成/呈现困难◆will it cause any difficulties if i go early?如果我提早离开,会不会给你们带来不便 ?◆she is always making difficulties for herself.她总是给自己惹麻烦。➤increase增加困难◆this increases the difficulty of the shot.这增加了投篮的难度。➤cope with, deal with, overcome, resolve, solve, surmount对付/处理/克服/消除/解决/战胜困难▸➤avoid避开困难◆how to avoid technical difficulties如何避开技术难题➤be fraught with充满困难◆the situation was fraught with difficulty.局面困难重重。➤illustrate阐明困难▸➤report报告困难◆please report any difficulties to the help desk.如有困难请向服务部提出。difficulty + verb➤arise难题产生◆difficulties arise when people fail to consult their colleagues.不跟同事商量就会出现问题。➤lie (in sth)困难存在(于⋯)◆the difficulty lies in identifying the precise nature of the problem.困难在于要确定问题的性质。preposition➤despite a/the difficulty尽管有困难◆despite all the difficulties, he still remains optimistic.面对种种困难,他仍很乐观。➤in difficulty处在困境中◆some companies are already in difficulty.一些公司已处于困境。◆we could see that the swimmer was in difficulties. (especially bre) 我们看得出那个游泳者遇到了危险。➤with difficulty, without difficulty有困难;没有困难◆we crossed the border without any difficulty.我们毫不费劲地越过了边境。◆life in the city was not without its difficulties.城市生活并不是没有困难。➤difficulty in⋯方面的困难◆she had difficulty in starting her car.她的车发动不起来了。➤difficulty of⋯的困难◆the difficulty of finding an affordable hotel寻找住得起的旅馆的困难➤difficulty with⋯出问题◆i'm having difficulty with the engine.我的引擎出了问题。 difficulty noundifficulty ♦︎ trouble ♦︎ job ♦︎ hassle ♦︎ botherthese are all words for the extra effort or work involved in doing sth, especially sth that is hard to do.这些词均表示困难或麻烦。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆difficulty / trouble / hassle / bother with sth◆trouble / hassle / bother over sth◆hassle / bother about sth◆the trouble / hassle / bother of doing sth◆without (any) difficulty / trouble / hassle / bother◆considerable / enormous / great / little difficulty / trouble◆to have difficulty / trouble / a job◆to cause (sb) difficulty / trouble / hassle / bother◆to be worth / save sb the trouble / hassle / bother◆to put sb to / go to a lot of / all that trouble / bother■ difficulty [uncountable] the state or quality of being hard to do or to understand; the effort that sth involves艰难;困难;费劲◆i had considerable difficulty in persuading her to leave.我费了好大的劲才说服她离开。◆i had no difficulty making myself understood.我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。◆we found the house without difficulty.我们轻而易举就找到了那座房子。◆they discussed the difficulty of studying abroad.他们讨论了出国留学的难处。opp ease → easy 1  ➡ see also difficulty → problem ■ trouble [uncountable] extra effort or work麻烦;烦扰;额外辛劳◆i hope the children weren't too much trouble.我希望这些孩子没有太烦人。◆nothing is ever too much trouble for her (= she's always ready to help).她总是不怕辛劳,乐于助人。◆i can call back later-it's no trouble at all (= i don't mind).我可以过一会儿再打电话来,没关系。◆ (bre) i don't want to put you to a lot of trouble.我不想给你添很多麻烦。◆he went to a lot of trouble to find the book for me.他不辞劳苦为我找到了那本书。◆making your own yogurt is more trouble than it's worth.自己做酸奶很麻烦,不值得。◆the children didn't give me any trouble at all.孩子们一点儿也没有给我添麻烦。■ job [singular] (bre, rather informal) the difficulty or effort involved in doing sth费劲;气力;辛劳◆you'll have a job convincing them you're right.要让他们相信你是对的还得费点劲。◆she had a hard job to make herself heard above the noise.在一片嘈杂声中,她好不容易才使别人听见自己的声音。ⓘ in this meaning job is always used with the verb have.表达此义时,job 总是与动词 have 连用。■ hassle /hæsl/ [uncountable, countable] (informal) a situation that is annoying because it involves doing sth difficult or complicated that involves a lot of work困难;麻烦◆she got the computer set up with no hassle at all.她毫不费劲就把计算机安装好了。◆send them an email-it's a lot less hassle than phoning.给他们发个电邮吧,这比打电话省事多了。◆it saves you a lot of hassle if you buy tickets in advance.如果你事先购票,会省去许多麻烦。◆it's a hassle having to travel with so many bags.要带着这么多大包小包去旅行,真麻烦。■ bother [uncountable] (especially bre, rather informal, especially spoken) trouble or difficulty麻烦;困难◆you seem to have got yourself into a spot of bother.你好像遇到了点麻烦。◆i don't mind looking after the children; they aren't any bother.我不介意照看这些孩子,他们不烦人。◆'thanks for your help!' 'it was no bother.'“多谢你的帮助!”“没什么。”note 辨析 trouble or bother?the main difference between these words is register: bother is more informal and used more in spoken english than in written english. it is also used more in british english.这两个词的主要区别在于语体风格。bother 不那么正式,多用于口语而非书面语,而且更多用于英式英语。difficulty [uncountable] the state or quality of being hard to do or to understand; the effort that sth involves艰难;困难;费劲◆i had considerable difficulty in persuading her to leave.我费了好大的劲才说服她离开。◆i had no difficulty making myself understood.我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。◆we found the house without difficulty.我们轻而易举就找到了那座房子。◆they discussed the difficulty of studying abroad.他们讨论了出国留学的难处。opp ease → easy 1  ➡ see also difficulty → problem difficulty [countable, usually plural, uncountable] a thing or situation that is not easy to deal with困难;难题;困境◆we've run into difficulties with the new project.我们在这个新项目上遇到了困难。◆he got into difficulties while swimming and had to be rescued.他游泳时遇险,只好靠人营救。◆she works with children with learning difficulties.她工作的对象是有学习障碍的孩子。◆the bank is in difficulty at the moment.目前那家银行正陷入困境。 ➡ see also difficulty → difficulty , difficult → difficult 1 2 note 辨析 problem or difficulty?to talk about one particular thing that is difficult to deal with use problem. * problem 指一个特定的难题◆the problem first arose in 2003.这个问题首次出现在 2003 年。to talk about a number of things together that are difficult to deal with you can use problems or difficulties.表示多个问题交织在一起的困境可用复数形式的 problems 或 difficulties◆the project has been fraught with problems / difficulties from the start.该项目自一开始就困难重重。to talk about a situation that is full of problems, you can use difficulties or difficulty.表示问题成堆的局面可以用 difficulties 或 difficulty◆what should you do if you see someone in difficulties / difficulty in the water?如果看见有人被困水中,你会怎么办?difficulty/ˈdɪfɪkəlti ||; ˈdɪfəkəltɪ/noun (plural difficulties) 1. [u,c] difficulty (in sth/in doing sth) a problem; a situation that is hard to deal with 难题;难事;困难: ◇i'm sure you won't have any difficultygetting a visa for america. 我敢肯定,你申请签证往美国不会遇到任何困难。◇we had no difficulty selling our car. 我们毫不费事便把车子卖掉了。◇we found a hotel without difficulty. 我们不费吹灰之力便找到了一家旅馆。◇ with difficulty, i managed to persuade alice to lend us the money. 我好不容易才说服艾丽斯借钱给我们。· ◇i could see someone in difficulty in the water so i went to help them. 我见到有人掉在水里上不来,所以我就去救援。 [pl] ◇if you borrow too much money you may get into financial difficulties. 借钱太多很可能会令你陷入经济困境。 2. [u] how hard sth is to do or to deal with 难度: ◇the questions start easy and then increase in difficulty. 开头的问题比较容易,后面的问题就越来越难。 difficultysee ⇨ problem 1     • • •• ⇨ have difficulty/trouble• ⇨ present a problem/difficulty• ⇨ with difficulty dif·fi·cul·ty /`dɪfəˏkəltɪ; ˈdɪfɪkəlti/n 1. [u] when something is not easy to do 困难,难题:◇have difficulty (in) doing sth david's having difficulty finding a job. 大卫找工作有困难。◇with difficulty she got out of her chair with difficulty. 她费劲地从椅子上站起来。 2. [c,u] a problem 困难,困境,难题:◇a country with economic difficulties 遇到了经济困难的国家 ☞ difficulty




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