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单词 anxiety
释义 anxiety nounadjective | ... of anxiety | verb + anxiety | anxiety + verb | anxiety + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤acute, considerable, deep, great极度的/相当大的/深深的/巨大的忧虑▸➤chronic, constant, nagging长期的/经常性的/萦绕于心的焦虑➤free-floating, generalized自由浮动性/广泛性焦虑◆we seem to live in a state of free-floating anxiety that can attach itself to anything.我们好像生活在游动性焦虑状态中,任何事情都能引起我们的焦虑。➤growing, increasing, mounting不断增加的/日益增加的/越来越多的忧虑▸➤understandable (especially bre) 可以理解的焦虑▸➤needless, unnecessary不必要的焦虑;不必要的担心▸➤public公众的焦虑➤castration, separation, etc. (psychology心理) 阉割、分离等焦虑... of anxiety➤level焦虑程度◆the high level of anxiety created by entering a new environment进入新环境产生的高度焦虑verb + anxiety➤arouse, bring, cause, create, provoke造成焦虑;令人担忧;引起焦虑▸➤lead to导致焦虑▸➤experience, feel, suffer from感到焦虑◆she felt a nagging anxiety that could not be relieved.她无法排解萦绕心头的焦虑。➤express, share表达/分担焦虑◆the mothers were able to share their anxieties with each other.母亲们能够相互分担焦虑。➤betray, reflect暴露出/反映出焦虑◆his face betrayed his anxiety.他的表情反映出他很焦虑。➤cope with, deal with, overcome对付焦虑;克服焦虑◆skills to cope with anxiety应对焦虑的技巧➤allay, alleviate, assuage, dispel, ease, lessen, quell, reduce, relieve, soothe减轻焦虑;缓解焦虑;缓和焦虑;消除忧虑;减少焦虑;平息焦虑◆the aim is to reduce anxiety and help the patients relax.目的是减少焦虑,帮助患者放松。➤exacerbate, heighten, increase加剧焦虑;增加焦虑anxiety + verb➤grow焦虑增多◆the more reports i study the more my anxiety grows.我研究的报告越多,我越是感到焦虑。➤arise, arise from sth, arise out of sth, surface焦虑产生;焦虑来自⋯;焦虑浮现◆a few anxieties surfaced during the meeting.几件令人焦虑的事在会议期间浮现出来。➤surround焦虑围绕◆a lot of anxiety surrounds the issue of human cloning.人们对克隆人的问题很担忧。anxiety + noun➤attack焦虑发作➤disorder焦虑性障碍◆patients suffering from an anxiety disorder患有焦虑性障碍的病人➤dream焦虑梦(由于焦虑而做的梦)◆i keep having this anxiety dream where i've forgotten to do something important.我经常做焦虑梦,梦见自己忘记了做重要的事情。➤level焦虑的程度preposition➤anxiety about对⋯的担心◆her growing anxiety about her health她对自己的健康日益加重的担心➤anxiety at关于⋯的担忧◆anxiety at the deterioration of relations between the powers对于强国之间关系恶化的担忧➤anxiety for为⋯的担忧◆deep anxiety for the whole family为整个家庭感到忧心忡忡➤anxiety over对于⋯的担忧◆there are anxieties over the effects of unemployment.对于失业后果有种种担忧。phrases➤anxiety and depression焦虑和沮丧◆physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression.体育锻炼有助于缓解焦虑和沮丧情绪。➤fear and anxiety恐惧和不安◆they were encouraged to express their fears and anxieties.鼓励他们说出恐惧和不安。 anxiety /æŋzaɪəti/ [uncountable, countable] the state of feeling nervous or worried; a worry or fear about sth焦虑;忧虑;担心;害怕◆some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。◆she felt a nagging anxiety that could not be relieved.她感到有一种无法缓解而又挥之不去的焦虑。 ➡ see also anxious → worried note 辨析 concern, worry or anxiety? worry is a more informal word than concern and anxiety, although in informal english it is more common to use the expression be worried than any of these nouns. worry and anxiety are especially used to refer to personal matters; a concern often affects many people.比起 concern 和 anxiety,worry 较不正式,尽管在非正式英语中用 be worried 比用这些名词更常见。worry 和 anxiety 尤指个人问题,concern 常指影响很多人的问题。anxietynoun [uncountable] ◆a couple of photographers fell over themselves in their anxiety to get a shot of her.两个摄影师煞费苦心,急于想抓拍到她的照片。anxietynoun [uncountable] ◆a couple of photographers fell over themselves in their anxiety to get a shot of her.两个摄影师煞费苦心,急于想抓拍到她的照片。anxiety/æŋˈzaɪəti ||; æŋˈzaɪətɪ/noun [c,u] (plural anxieties) a feeling of worry or fear, especially about the future 忧虑,担心,焦虑(尤指对未来): ◇a feeling/state of anxiety 忧虑◇there are anxieties over the effects of unemployment. 有人担忧失业的后果。 anxietysee ⇨ worried/worrying 7 anx·i·e·ty /æŋ`zaɪətɪ; æŋˈzaɪəti/n 1. [c,u] a strong feeling of worry about something that may happen 忧虑; 焦虑; 担心:◇+ about her anxiety about the children grew as the hours passed. 随着时间过去,她越来越担心孩子们。 2. [u] a strong feeling of wanting to do something but being worried that you will not succeed 渴望; 热望; 急切:◇anxiety to do sth the soldiers had thrown away their guns and packs in their anxiety to get to the boats. 士兵们急着要上船,把枪支和背包都丢弃了。




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