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单词 antithesis
释义 antithesis nounadjective | verb + antithesis | preposition adjective➤absolute, complete, exact, very绝对的对立;完全的对立;正相对照;恰好相反verb + antithesis➤be, represent对立;代表对立面preposition➤antithesis between⋯之间的对立◆the sharp antithesis between their views他们观点的尖锐对立➤antithesis of⋯的对立面◆the company represented the antithesis of everything he admired.那家公司与他所崇尚的一切完全相反。antithesis/ænˈtɪθəsɪs ||; ænˈtɪθəsɪs/noun [c,u] (plural antitheses /ænˈtɪθəsi:z ||; ænˈtɪθəˌsiz/) (formal 正式) 1. the opposite of sth 对立面;形成对立的事物: ◇love is the antithesis of hate. 爱是恨的反面。 2. a difference between two things (两事物的)不同,对照,对比antithesis• ⇨ be the antithesis of an·tith·e·sis /æn`tɪθəsɪs; ænˈtɪθɪsɪs/n [c]formal the exact opposite of something 【正式】 正相反,相对; 对立(面):◇his radical socialist opinions are the antithesis of his father's political beliefs. 他激进的社会主义主张与他爸爸的政治信念恰好相反。




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