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单词 credit
释义 credit noun¹ 1arrangement to pay later; money borrowed赊购;贷款adjective | verb + credit | credit + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤long-term, short-term长期/短期贷款▸➤interest-free无息贷款▸➤foreign国外贷款▸➤bank银行信贷▸➤consumer, export, trade消费/出口/贸易信贷verb + credit➤have, use有存款;进行赊购▸➤get, obtain获得贷款◆if you don't have a regular income you may be unable to get credit.如果你没有固定收入,可能不会得到贷款。➤extend, give sb, grant (sb), offer (sb), provide(向某人)提供赊购◆most stores selling furniture will offer credit.大部份出售家具的商店都准许赊购。➤deny sb, refuse sb拒绝给某人贷款◆the bank refused further credit to the company.银行拒绝再给那家公司贷款。➤arrange安排贷款▸➤expand扩大信贷◆we propose to expand credit in order to create demand.我们提议扩大信贷以刺激需求。credit + noun➤account, agreement, arrangement, facilities, system, terms赊购账;信贷协议;信贷安排;信贷措施;信贷制度;信贷条款 (see also credit card) ➤limit信用额度◆your credit limit is now $2 000.你现在的信用额度是 2,000 美元。➤period信贷期▸➤sale, transaction, transfer (bre) 赊销;信贷交易;信用转账▸➤rating, score, scoring, standing信用等级;信用评分;信誉◆he has a bad credit rating (= seems unlikely to pay the money back).他的还款信用很差。➤history, record信用记录◆people with poor credit histories信用记录很差的人➤file, report信用档案/报告◆the credit report will show all the consumer debt a person has.信用报告会显示一个人所有的消费者债务。➤risk信用风险◆he's a bad credit risk.他很有可能借钱不还。➤control信贷控制▸➤crunch, squeeze (especially bre) 信贷紧缩➤expansion信用扩张◆increases in debt created by credit expansion信用扩张产生的债务增长➤bureau, industry, institution, market, union征信所;信贷业;信贷机构;信贷市场;信用合作社➤analyst信用分析师▸➤note (bre) 贷方票据◆if damaged items have to be returned, the manufacturer may issue a credit note.损坏的商品如需退回厂家,厂家可开具欠条。➤insurance信贷保险preposition➤on credit赊购◆i bought it on credit.这是我赊购的。phrases➤a letter of credit (= a letter from one bank to another that enables you to obtain money) 信用证◆i have arranged for my branch to send a letter of credit to the branch nearest the hotel.我已经安排我的分行给离酒店最近的分行送去一张信用证。credit noun² 2money in a bank account or owed to you银行存款adjective | verb + credit | credit + noun | preposition adjective➤direct (bre) 直接存入账户◆i'm paid by direct credit into my bank account.付给我的钱直接记在我的银行账户上。verb + credit➤have有存款◆i have three credits on my bank statement.我的银行结算单上有 3 笔存款。credit + noun➤balance贷方余额◆a credit balance of €265265 欧元的贷方余额preposition➤in credit有结余◆my account is in credit.我的账户上有存款。➤credit of数额为⋯的存款◆a credit of £3535 英镑的存款credit noun³ 3praise/approval赞扬adjective | verb + credit | preposition | phrases adjective➤great极大的赞扬➤extra额外的赞扬▸➤full充分的赞扬➤partial有失偏颇的赞扬▸➤due, proper应有的/适当的赞扬◆we should give due credit to all who helped make the event a success.对于所有为这次活动成功作出贡献的人,我们都应给予应有的赞扬。verb + credit➤give sb给予某人赞扬▸➤claim, get, receive, take得到赞扬◆why should she get all the credit?为什么功劳都归了她?➤do sb, reflect带给某人赞誉;增光◆your concern does you credit.你的关心给你赢得赞誉。◆the success of the venture reflects great credit on the organizers.这次冒险行动的成功为组织者带来了很大的荣誉。➤deserve值得赞扬preposition➤to sb's credit使某人值得赞扬◆to her credit, she gave them lunch.她给他们提供了午餐,这一点得赞扬。➤credit for因⋯应得的赞誉◆at least give him credit for trying.至少他尝试过,这就值得表扬。phrases➤give credit where credit is due该表扬的就得表扬➤to sb's great credit使某人值得大加赞扬◆to her great credit, she does not try to avoid the truth.她没有试图回避事实,这值得大加赞扬。➤to sb's eternal credit, to sb's everlasting credit (especially name) 使某人值得永远的赞扬credit noun⁴ 4the credits list of people who worked on a film/movie, etc.演职人员名单adjective | verb + the credits | the credits + verb adjective➤opening片头演职人员名单▸➤closing, end, final片尾演职人员名单▸➤film, movie (especially name) 电影演职人员名单verb + the credits➤watch留意演职人员名单the credits + verb➤roll演职人员名单字母滚动◆we left before the final credits began to roll.片尾演职人员名单还未出现我们就退场了。credit noun⁵ 5sb/sth that brings respect to sb/sth else荣誉adjective | preposition adjective➤great极大的荣誉preposition➤credit to⋯的荣誉◆he's a great credit to the school.他为学校争光不少。credit noun⁶ 6unit of study at a university, college or school学习单元adjective | verb + credit | credit + noun adjective➤course课程学分◆participants were given course credit for their participation in the study. (name) 因为参与了这项研究而给予参加者课程学分。➤college (name) 大学学分verb + credit➤earn取得学分◆he took some advanced courses to earn college credits.他为了获得大学学分而修了几门高级课程➤award, grant给予学分➤offer提供学分◆modules offering continuing education credits提供继续教育学分的课程单元➤transfer转学分◆students may have difficulty transferring credits to other institutions.学生要把学分转到其他学校恐怕有难度。credit + noun➤hour (name) 学分时◆tuition costs are based on the number of credit hours enrolled.学费的多少根据所选学分时数而定。credit verb¹ 1put money in the bank往银行存钱preposition | phrases preposition➤with把⋯存入账户◆the bank credited the oil company with $500 000.银行向那家石油公司提供 50 万美元信用贷款。phrases➤credit sth to sb's account把⋯存入某人的账户credit verb² 2with an achievement/quality成就;品质preposition | phrases preposition➤with认为有⋯品质◆i credited you with a little more sense.我认为你更理智一些。phrases➤be credited as sth, be credited with sth被认为⋯◆she is generally credited as having written over 50 novels.人们普遍认为她已经写了 50 多本小说。➤be credited to sb把⋯归功于某人◆the work has been credited to a 16th-century bishop.这一作品已被认定出自 16 世纪的一位主教之手。➤be generally credited with sth, be widely credited with sth普遍认为⋯是某人的功劳◆he is widely credited with having started the middle east peace process.人们普遍认为是他启动了中东和平进程。credit verb³ 3 (bre) believe相信verb + credit➤can hardly, can scarcely几乎不能相信◆i could hardly credit it when she told me she was leaving.她告诉我她要离开,我几乎不能相信。➤be hard to难以相信◆i find what he says rather hard to credit.我觉得他的话很难令人相信。credit /kredɪt/ noun (commerce 商业) [uncountable] an arrangement that you make with a bank, shop/store, etc., to be able to buy things now and pay for them later 信贷;赊购;赊欠◆i bought it on credit. 这个东西是我赊购的。◆the supplier won't give her credit because she's a new customer. 因为她是新客户,供应商不给她赊账。◆we offer you six months' interest-free credit (= without an extra charge for interest) on purchases over €800. 凡购买额超过 800 欧元,我们提供六个月的免息赊账。⨁ to get / have / use credit允许赊购 ⨁ to extend / give / offer / provide credit提供赊购 ⨁ to deny / refuse credit拒绝赊购 ⨁ a credit agreement / limit信贷协议;信用额度 ⨁ credit facilities / terms信贷业务;赊欠期 (finance 金融) [uncountable] money that financial institutions lend to businesses, governments and people 贷款◆it is unlikely that the bank will extend additional credit to the firm. 银行不可能给这家公司提供更多的贷款。◆ credit costs have risen sharply for smaller businesses. 小企业的贷款成本已急剧上升。⨁ to gain access to / have access to / get / obtain / seek credit获得贷款 ⨁ to extend / provide credit提供贷款 ⨁ domestic / international credit国内/国际贷款 3. [uncountable] the fact that there is money in a bank account 结余◆your account is in credit. 你的账户有余额。  ➡  be, remain, etc. in the black at black  ➡  overdrawn 4. [countable] an amount that is paid into a bank account; a record of this 贷记◆a credit of €100 100 欧元的贷记 opp debit (accounting 会计) [countable] (abbreviation cr) (name spelling cr) an amount that is written in a company's financial account to show an increase in money that the company owes or a decrease in the value of its assets 贷方金额◆produce a trial balance to ensure that credits equal the debits. 编制试算表以确保借贷平衡。◆the credit side of an account 账户的贷方 opp debit  ➡  picture at t-account ⓘ the credits are recorded on the right side of a traditional t-account.贷方记录在传统 t 型账目的右侧。6. [countable, uncountable] a reduction in an amount of money you have to pay; a payment that you have a right to receive 减少应付款项;有权索要的款项◆the government's tax plans included expanding the existing credit for small businesses. 政府的税收计划包括扩大小型企业的现有税收减让。 (accounting 会计) [countable, uncountable] an amount of money that is paid back or owed to you, because you paid too much; a record of the amount 退款◆we will issue you with a credit for any damaged goods that you return. 我们会按你退回的损坏货物给你退款。◆a credit of €60 60 欧元的退款8. [uncountable] the status of being trusted to pay back money to sb who lends it to you (借钱偿还的)信用,信誉◆her credit isn't good anywhere now. 她借钱不还,弄得声名狼籍。  ➡  credit history , credit rating bank credit ◇ bank giro credit ◇ bilateral credit ◇ carbon credit ◇ consumer credit ◇ deferred credit ◇ documentary credit ◇ emission credit ◇ export credit ◇ extended credit ◇ letter of credit ◇ line of credit ◇ open credit ◇ pollution credit ◇ revolving credit ◇ revolving line of credit ◇ standby letter of credit ◇ tax credit ◇ trade credit credit /kredɪt/ verb [transitive] put an amount of money into a bank account (给银行账户)存钱;把…记入贷方◆the funds will be credited to your cheque account today. 这些资金今天将存入你的支票账户。◆your account has been credited with $50 000. 已把 5 万元存入你的账户。 (accounting 会计) to write an amount in a company's financial account to show an increase in the money the company owes or a decrease in the value of its assets 记入贷方◆the cash received was debited in the cash book and credited to the sales account. 收到的现金借记现金账,贷记销售账。 opp debit ⓘ you credit a traditional t-account by writing amounts on the right side.贷记即将金额记录在传统 t 型账目的右侧。☞ credit☞ credit credit /kredɪt/ [uncountable] an arrangement that you make, for example with a shop, to pay later for sth you buy; money that a bank lends to you赊购;赊欠;(从银行借的)借款,贷款◆we bought the dishwasher on credit.那台洗碗机是我们赊购来的。◆we offer two months' interest-free credit.我们提供两个月的免息赊购。◆your credit limit is now £2 000.你的信用额度现在为 2 000 英镑。◆the bank refused further credit to the company.银行拒绝继续为这家公司提供贷款。 ➡ see also debit → debt note 辨析 loan or credit?a loan is a particular official agreement to borrow an amount of money and pay it back later; credit is a general term for any money that a bank makes available to a customer, when that customer does not already have that amount in their own account. * loan 指的是一种正式贷款协议; credit 泛指银行为账户资金不足的客户提供的借款。 credit [uncountable] praise for sb because they are responsible for sth good that has happened赞扬;称赞;认可◆i can't take all the credit for the show's success-it was a team effort.演出成功不能都算成我一个人的功劳 - 这是集体努力的成果。◆we did all the work and she gets all the credit!工作都是我们干的,而功劳却都归了她!◆at least give him credit for trying (= praise him because he tried, even if he did not succeed).至少该表扬他努力过。opp blame → fault note 辨析 praise or credit? praise describes what you actually say, for example * praise 指称赞的话,如◆well done!干得好!◆you did a great job.你做得非常好。◆i think he's a wonderful cook.我觉得他饭做得棒极了。 credit more often refers to an opinion or a feeling of admiration, not the actual words you say. * credit 较常指赞赏的看法或态度,并非赞美之词◆we should give due credit to the organizers of this event (= we think they did a good job).我们该感谢这次活动的组织者。 credit can suggest that you are rewarded for the good thing you have done. * credit 可意味着对出色表现给予奖励◆credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar (= you will get extra marks).考试中拼写和语法出色者将获得加分。credit¹/ˈkredɪt ||; ˈkrɛdɪt/noun1. [u] a way of buying goods or services and not paying for them until later 赊购;信贷: ◇i bought the television on credit. 我以信贷方式购买这台电视机。 2. [c,u] a sum of money that a bank, etc lends to sb 贷款: ◇the company was not able to get any further credit and went bankrupt. 这家公司无法再取得贷款,接着就破产了。 3. [u] having money in an account at a bank (在银行账户中)有存款: ◇no bank charges are made if your account remains in credit. 只要你的账户仍有存款,银行就不会收费。 4. [c] a payment made into an account at a bank 存入银行账户的款项: ◇there have been several credits to her account over the last month. 上个月有好几笔款子存入她的账户。 [opp] debit ¹ 反义词为debit^1 5. [u] an act of saying that sb has done sth well 称赞;嘉许: ◇he got all the credit for the success of the project. 这项目得以顺利完成全归功于他。◇i can't take any credit; the others did all the work. 我不能领功;所有工作都是其他人做的。◇she didn't do very well but at least give her credit fortrying. 她做得不太好,但曾经作出了努力也值得赞扬。 6. [sing] a credit to sb/sth a person or thing that you should be proud of 值得引以为荣的人或事: ◇she is a credit to her school. 她是她学校的光荣。 7. the credits [pl] the list of the names of the people who made a film or tv programme, shown at the beginning or end of the film (电影或电视节目开头或结尾时的)演员及制作人员名单 8. [c] (us 美) a part of a course at a college or university, that a student has completed successfully 学分 do sb credit (used about sb's qualities or achievements) to be so good that people should be proud of him/her (用于表示某人的质量或成就)值得人们为之骄傲的: ◇his courage and optimism do him credit. 他的勇气和乐观态度使他受到赞赏。 (be) to sb's credit used for showing that you approve of sth that sb has done, although you have criticized him/her for sth else (用于表示赞扬某人所做的某件事情,尽管你曾批评他所做的另一些事情): ◇the company, to its credit, apologized and refunded my money. 那家公司向我道歉,并且把钱退还给我,这还是值得称许的。 have sth to your credit to have finished sth that is successful 取得某方面的成功: ◇he has three best-selling novels to his credit. 他已经写了三本畅销小说。 credit²/ˈkredɪt ||; ˈkrɛdɪt/verb[t] 1. to add money to a bank account 把金额记入银行账户: ◇has the cheque been credited to my account yet? 那张支票记入我的账户了吗? 2. credit sb/sth with sth;credit sth to sb/sth to believe or say that sb/sth has a particular quality or has done something well 认为…具有某种特性或做某事做得很出色: ◇of course i wouldn't do such a stupid thing -- credit me with a bit more sense than that! 我当然不会做这种蠢事,请你不要把人看扁了! 3. (especially in negative sentences and questions 尤用于否定句及疑问句) to believe sth 相信: ◇i simply cannot credit that he has made the same mistake again! 我简直没法相信他又犯了同样的错误! credit• ⇨ be in credit• ⇨ get/buy sth on credit☞ credit¹☞ credit²




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