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单词 finding
释义 finding noun¹ 1(usually findings) result of research into sth研究结果adjective | verb + finding | finding + verb | preposition adjective➤important, key, significant重要的发现;关键的研究结果;有意义的研究结果◆i'll now summarize the key findings from these studies.我现在要总结一下这些研究取得的关键性发现。➤main主要研究结果▸➤general普遍的研究结果▸➤interesting有趣的研究结果▸➤striking, surprising, unexpected惊人的/令人吃惊的/意想不到的研究结果▸➤novel新奇的研究结果▸➤positive积极的研究结果▸➤conflicting矛盾的研究结果▸➤early, initial, original早期/初步/最初的研究结果▸➤interim, preliminary暂时的/初步的研究结果◆he will present his preliminary findings at the conference.他将在会上提交他初步的研究结果。➤new, recent新近的/最近的研究结果◆the original results conflict with more recent findings.最初的结果与新近的研究结果相矛盾。➤scientific科研成果➤laboratory实验室研究结果➤clinical临床结果▸➤empirical, experimental实证研究/实验结果➤research, study, survey研究/探讨/调查结果verb + finding➤record, write up记录/详细记述结果◆students were asked to write up their findings in the form of a report.要求学生以报告的形式写出研究结果。➤summarize总结研究结果▸➤announce, give, present, publish, report宣布/给出/提交/出版/汇报研究结果◆the findings of the commission have not yet been made public.委员会的调查结果还没有对外公布。◆they will present their findings to senior police officers.他们将把调查结果提交给高级警官。➤make public, release, reveal公开/公布/透露研究结果▸➤explain, interpret解释结果▸➤examine检查研究结果▸➤comment on, discuss评论/讨论研究结果▸➤confirm, corroborate, support确认/确证/支撑研究结果◆un official reports supported the preliminary findings.联合国的官方报告证明了最初的调查结果。➤contradict与研究结果不符▸➤challenge质疑调查结果◆scientists have challenged the findings of the researchers.科学家质疑这些研究者的研究结果。➤replicate复现研究结果finding + verb➤be based on sth研究结果基于⋯◆the findings are based on interviews with more than 2 000 people.这些研究结果是在与 2,000 多人进行访谈之后得出的。➤relate to sth研究结果与⋯有关◆our findings relate to physically rather than visually handicapped students.我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生。➤apply to sth结果应用于⋯◆the findings from the case study school may apply to schools elsewhere.该校个案研究的结果可能适用于其他地方的学校。➤demonstrate sth, reveal sth, show sth结果表明⋯/揭示⋯/显示⋯◆our findings point to a lack of training among social services staff.我们的调查结果表明社会服务人员缺乏培训。➤imply sth, indicate sth, point to sth, point towards/toward sth, suggest sth结果暗示⋯/表明⋯/指出⋯/指向⋯/表示⋯▸➤agree with sth, be consistent with sth, be in agreement with sth, be in line with sth, confirm sth, support sth结果与⋯一致;结果证实⋯;结果支持⋯◆our recent findings are in line with those of an earlier study.我们最近的研究结果与先前的一致。➤conflict (with sth), contradict sth结果(与⋯)冲突/相抵触▸➤lead to sth研究结果导致⋯◆the findings led to the conclusion that...由研究结果得出以下结论⋯➤provide sth研究结果提供⋯◆the research findings will provide practical assistance for teachers.研究结果将给教师提供实际的帮助。➤be made得出结果◆similar findings were made in spain.在西班牙得出了类似结果。➤emerge结果出现◆similar findings emerged from a later experiment.后来的实验得到了类似的结果。preposition➤finding about关于⋯的研究结果◆recent scientific findings about sleep patterns有关睡眠模式的新近科研结果➤finding for对⋯研究的结果◆the findings for one group can be applied to the others.一个群体的研究成果可用于其他群体。➤finding from⋯的成果◆findings from a recent research project一个最新研究项目的成果➤finding on关于⋯的研究结果◆newly published findings on the depopulation of the countryside最近发表的关于乡村人口减少的调查结果finding noun² 2decision by a court法庭裁决verb + finding | preposition verb + finding➤make作出裁决▸➤justify证明裁决是正确的◆the facts of this case do not justify a finding of negligence.根据案情不能作出过失犯罪的裁决。➤uphold赞成裁决◆the appeal court upheld a finding that the agreement was unlawful.上诉法院维持原裁决,认为协议不合法。preposition➤finding against针对⋯的判决◆a finding against him by the commission委员会对他作出的裁定➤finding in favour/favor of有利于⋯的裁决◆the court made a finding in favour / favor of the defendant.法庭作出了有利于被告的裁决。 finding /faɪndɪŋ/ noun1. [countable, usually plural] information that is discovered as the result of research into sth 调查发现;调研结果◆what were the main findings from the survey? 主要的调查结果是甚么?◆the committee will issue its initial findings tomorrow. 委员会将在明天发表其初步的调查结果。⨁ to issue / present / publish / release / report findings发表/呈送/公开/公布/报告调查结果 ⨁ initial / preliminary findings最初的/初步的调查结果 (law 法律) [countable] a decision made by a court, etc. concerning a dispute (有关争议的)判决,裁决◆they reached a finding of professional misconduct. 他们作出了违反职业操守的裁决。⨁ to make / reach a finding进行/作出判决 ⨁ to overturn / uphold a finding撤销/维持判决 ⨁ a finding against / in favour of sb/sth不利于/有利于某人/某事的判决 fault-finding ☞ findingfinding [countable, usually plural] information that is discovered as the result of research into sth调查发现;调研结果◆these findings suggest that there is no direct link between unemployment and crime.这些调研结果表明失业和犯罪之间没有直接联系。◆the findings are based on interviews with more than 2 000 people.调查结果是基于对 2 000 多人的访谈得出的。ⓘ in formal or legal english a finding is also a decision made by the judge or jury in court.在正式或法律用语中,finding 还指法官或陪审团的裁决◆the facts of this case do not justify a finding of negligence.本案的事实不足以得出犯有过失的裁决。  ➡ see also find → find 1 finding/ˈfaɪndɪŋ ||; ˈfaɪndɪŋ/noun [c] [] information that is discovered as a result of research into sth 研究的结果;调查的结果: ◇the findings of a survey/report/committee 调查结果;报告的调查结果;委员会的调查结果 findingsee ⇨ find out 9




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