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单词 filthy
释义 filthy adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, smell肮脏;感觉肮脏;看上去污秽;闻上去肮脏▸➤get变脏▸➤leave sth, make sth把⋯弄脏◆he always leaves the bath absolutely filthy!他总是把浴缸弄得脏死了!adverb➤really非常脏▸➤absolutely脏极了filthy /fɪlθi/ very dirty and unpleasant肮脏的;污秽的◆why are the streets so filthy in this part of the city?为什么市里这一区的街道如此肮脏?◆it's absolutely filthy in here.这里肮脏极了。◆there were two beggars dressed in filthy rags.有两个衣衫肮脏褴褛的乞丐。filthyvery offensive and usually connected with sex下流的;淫秽的;猥亵的◆that's enough of your filthy language!你的下流话真是让人受够了!◆he's got a filthy mind (= is always thinking about sex).他满脑子淫念。filthy/ˈfɪlθi ||; ˈfɪlθɪ/adj (filthier;filthiest) 1. very dirty 肮脏的;污秽的 2. (used about language, books, films, etc) connected with sex, and causing offence (指语言、书、电影等)色情的,猥亵的filthysee ⇨ dirty 2 ⇨ sex 17 filth·y /`fɪlθɪ; ˈfɪlθi/adj 1. extremely dirty 十分肮脏的:◇doesn't he ever wash that jacket? it's filthy. 那件夹克难道他从来都不洗的吗? 脏极了。 2. very rude or offensive, especially about sex 淫秽的:◇filthy language 淫秽的语言




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