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单词 blaze
释义 blaze nounadjective | verb + blaze | blaze + verb | preposition adjective➤fierce, huge, intense, massive熊熊烈焰verb + blaze➤attend, battle, fight, tackle (especially bre) 灭火;救火◆the fire brigade attended the blaze.消防队参与了救火。◆firefighters are battling those blazes in five counties.消防员正在 5 个县奋力救火。➤start引发大火◆an electrical overload may have started the blaze.大火有可能是超负荷用电引起的。➤bring under control, control, get under control控制火势▸➤extinguish, put out扑灭大火blaze + verb➤spread, sweep through sth火势蔓延;大火席卷⋯◆the blaze swept through the whole building.大火吞噬了整座大楼。preposition➤in a/the blaze在大火中◆the antiques were destroyed in a blaze last year.那些古董在去年的一场大火中给烧毁了。 blaze [intransitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) to burn brightly and strongly熊熊燃烧◆a huge fire was blazing in the fireplace.壁炉中火烧得正旺。◆within minutes the whole building was blazing.不消几分钟整栋大楼便陷于火海。 ➡ see also blaze → fire noun 1 blaze [countable, usually singular] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) a very large fire, especially a dangerous one烈火;大火◆five people died in the blaze.五人葬身火海了。◆firefighters were called in to tackle the blaze.消防队员奉召前来救火。ⓘ blaze is a dramatic word which is often used in newspapers, especially in headlines, to catch the attention of the reader. * blaze 是个感情强烈的词,常用于报章,尤其是标题中,以吸引读者的注意◆two die in pub blaze.两人葬身酒吧火海。  ➡ see also blaze → burn verb 1 blaze¹/bleɪz ||; blez/noun1. [c] a large and often dangerous fire 大火;烈焰: ◇it took firefighters four hours to put out the blaze. 消防员花了四个小时扑灭那场大火。 2. [sing] a blaze of sth a very bright show of light or colour (光或色彩的)展示: ◇in the summer the garden was a blaze of colour. 夏天的花园五彩缤纷。◇the new theatre was opened in a blaze of publicity (= the media gave it a lot of attention). 新剧院的启用引来大众媒体的广泛报道。 blaze²/bleɪz ||; blez/verb[i] 1. to burn with bright strong flames 熊熊燃烧 2. blaze (with sth) to be extremely bright; to shine brightly 通明;光辉灿烂: ◇i woke up to find that the room was blazing with sunshine. 当我醒来,阳光已把房间照得一片明亮。 (figurative 比喻) ‘get out!’ she shouted, her eyes blazing with anger. 她怒目圆睁,喊道:“出去!” blazesee ⇨ fire 1 ⇨ shine/shiny 1☞ blaze¹☞ blaze²




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