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单词 fracture
释义 fracture nounadjective | verb + fracture adjective➤stress应力骨折◆he suffered a stress fracture of the right foot.他右脚应力骨折。➤hairline细微骨裂▸➤compound, multiple, simple哆开/多发性/单纯骨折▸➤hip, leg, skull, spinal, etc.髋骨、腿骨、颅骨、脊柱等骨折verb + fracture➤suffer, sustain骨折fracture /fræktʃə(r)/ [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to break or crack; to make sth break or crack(使)断裂,折断,破裂◆cast iron is not only heavy, but likely to fracture.铸铁不仅重,还有可能断裂。◆a gas escape from a fractured pipe was the likely cause of the explosion.可能是从破裂的管道里泄露的煤气引发了爆炸。◆he fell and fractured his skull.他跌倒摔裂了颅骨。▸ fracture noun [countable, uncountable] ◆she sustained two fractures to her leg.她的一条腿有两处骨折。◆ground movements could cause fracture of the pipe.地层移动可能导致管道破裂。note 辨析 break, crack or fracture?any of these verbs can be used for bones; break or fracture but not crack can be used for joints.这些动词均可指骨折或骨裂。break 和 fracture 可指关节部位的骨折,但 crack 不能◆he cracked his hip/jaw/wrist. only break can be used for arms and legs.只有 break 可指手臂和腿骨折◆she cracked/fractured her arm/leg. fracture is the usual verb for talking about skulls (= the bone structure in the head); you can also use crack, but not break.颅骨开裂通常用 fracture,也可用 crack,但不用 break◆he fell and broke his skull. fracturenoun [countable, uncountable] ◆she sustained two fractures to her leg.她的一条腿有两处骨折。◆ground movements could cause fracture of the pipe.地层移动可能导致管道破裂。fracturenoun [countable, uncountable] ◆she sustained two fractures to her leg.她的一条腿有两处骨折。◆ground movements could cause fracture of the pipe.地层移动可能导致管道破裂。fracture/ˈfræktʃə(r) ||; ˈfræktʃɚ/noun [c,u] a break in a bone or other hard material 骨折;断裂;破裂 fracture verb [i,t] ◇she fell and fractured her ankle. 她栽了一交,把脚腕子摔断了。◇a water pipe fractured and flooded the bathroom. 有根水管裂了,弄得浴室里满地是水。 fracturesee ⇨ break 9☞ fracture¹☞ fracture²




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