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单词 bank
释义 bank noun¹ 1for money金钱adjective | verb + bank | bank + verb | bank + noun | preposition adjective➤big, large, major大银行▸➤small小银行▸➤central, clearing (in the uk) , commercial, international, investment, issuing, national, reserve, savings中央/结算/商业/国际/投资/开证/国家/储备/储蓄银行◆the central bank has put up interest rates.中央银行已经提高了利率。◆the bond will be priced by the issuing bank.债券将由开证银行定价。◆she has her money in one of the largest savings banks.她把钱存进了一家大型储蓄银行。➤private私人银行▸➤foreign, overseas外国/海外银行➤offshore离岸银行verb + bank➤go to去银行▸➤borrow (sth) from从银行借 (⋯)➤rob抢劫银行➤owe欠银行◆the company owes the bank more than €4 million.公司欠银行 400 多万欧元。➤bail out救助银行◆the government has refused to bail out the bank.政府拒绝对该银行进行救助。bank + verb➤pay sb sth银行支付某人⋯▸➤lend sb sth银行贷给某人⋯◆the bank lent her money to buy a car.银行贷给她钱买车。➤underwrite sth银行包销⋯◆a group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds.一个由 10 家国际银行组成的集团将包销这些债券。➤charge sb/sth银行收取⋯费用◆the bank charged him a monthly $5 fee.银行每月收取他 5 美元的费用。➤issue sth银行发行⋯◆many of these banks issue both credit and debit cards.这些银行很多都是既发行信用卡也发行借记卡。➤collapse, crash银行倒闭◆investors lost millions when the bank crashed.投资者因银行倒闭蒙受了数以百万计的损失。bank + noun➤account, balance, deposit, loan, statement银行账户/结余/存款/贷款/结单➤charges, fees (name) 银行收费➤credit银行信贷▸➤manager银行经理➤teller银行出纳员▸➤robber银行劫匪➤heist, robbery银行抢劫preposition➤from a/the bank来自银行◆he got a large loan from the bank.他从银行贷得一大笔钱。➤in a/the bank在银行◆i'll put half the money in the bank and spend the rest.我将把一半的钱存入银行,另一半当花销。➤out of a/the bank从银行中◆i need to get some money out of the bank.我需要从银行取些钱。bank noun² 2by a river/canal河岸adjective | verb + bank | preposition adjective➤far, opposite, other对岸◆we could see them waving on the opposite bank.我们可以看到他们在对岸挥手。➤canal, river运河堤岸;河岸verb + bank➤burst, overflow冲破河岸;溢出堤岸◆the river had burst its banks after torrential rain.暴雨过后河水决堤了。preposition➤along a/the bank沿着堤岸◆we strolled along the river bank.我们沿着河岸漫步。➤on a/the bank在岸上◆a picnic on the banks of the river在河畔的野餐bank noun³ 3area of sloping ground倾斜的地面adjective | preposition adjective➤steep陡坡▸➤grassy长满青草的斜坡➤muddy泥泞的斜坡preposition➤down a/the bank沿着斜坡而下◆the children rolled down the grassy bank.孩子们沿着长满草的斜坡滚下。➤up a/the bank顺坡而上bank noun⁴ 4mass of cloud, etc./row of machines, etc.云团;一排机器adjective | preposition adjective➤huge, vast巨大的一排◆a huge bank of switches and buttons一大排开关和按钮➤cloud (especially name) 云堤preposition➤bank of堆;排;列◆a vast bank of cloud一大片云the bank /bæŋk/ noun [singular] the bank of england 英格兰银行;英伦银行  ➡  central bank bank /bæŋk/ noun [countable] organization that provides various financial services to people and businesses, for example keeping or lending money; a local office or a particular bank 银行◆the company has £13.5 million cash in the bank. 公司在这家银行有 1350 万英镑的存款。◆i need to get some money out of the bank. 我需要从银行取一些钱。◆my salary is paid directly into the bank. 我的工资直接发到这家银行。◆i need to go to the bank today. 我今天得去趟银行。◆full details are available from any branch of barclays bank. 可从任何一家巴克莱银行的分行了解详情。⨁ a domestic / foreign / global / international bank国内/外国/全球/国际银行 ⨁ a big / high-street / large / major / small bank大/商业街/大型/主要/小银行 2. (often bank, the bank of …) = central bank amount or a number of sth collected together; a place where sth is stored ready for use 库存;库◆a bank of knowledge 知识库◆a bank of 12 tv screens 12 个电视屏幕组成的一组屏幕◆names stored in the computer's memory bank 在电脑存贮库中贮存的名字  ➡  databank advising bank ◇ agent bank ◇ agricultural bank ◇ banker's bank ◇ cash at bank ◇ central bank ◇ clearing bank ◇ commercial bank ◇ correspondent bank ◇ development bank ◇ export-import bank ◇ european central bank ◇ federal reserve bank ◇ investment bank ◇ issuing bank ◇ job bank ◇ land bank ◇ lead bank ◇ merchant bank ◇ money centre bank ◇ national bank ◇ paying bank ◇ private bank ◇ reserve bank ◇ savings bank ◇ universal bank ◇ wholesale bank ◇ world bank bank /bæŋk/ verb 1. [transitive] to put money into a bank account 把(钱)存入银行◆have you banked the cheque yet? 你的支票款项存入银行了吗? 2. [intransitive] bank (with/at …) to have an account with a particular bank (在某银行)开账户◆the company banks with coutts and hsbc. 这家公司在克兹银行和汇丰银行开有账户。☞ bank☞ bank☞ bank bank [intransitive, transitive](of a plane) to travel with one side higher than the other when turning; to make a plane do this(飞机转弯时)倾斜飞行;使倾斜飞行◆the plane banked steeply to the left.飞机向左侧高度倾斜。◆the pilot banked the plane to give passengers a better look at the mountain.飞行员驾驶飞机倾斜飞行,以便让乘客更好地观看那座山。 bank [transitive] to put money, especially a lot of money, into a bank account, especially because you have been paid(尤指收到付款后)把(大笔款项)存入银行◆she is believed to have banked (= been paid) $10 million in two years.据信她两年内在银行账户里存入了 1 000 万元。 ➡ see also the entry for make 3另见 make 条第 3 义 bank [countable] a raised area of ground that slopes at the sides, often at the edge of sth or dividing sth; an artificial slope built at the side of a road, so that cars can drive fast around bends斜坡;垄;埂;(路面拐弯处为方便车辆快速行驶而筑起的)边坡◆there were low banks of earth between the rice fields.稻田之间有低矮的田埂。◆the girls ran down the steep grassy bank.女孩子们沿着长满青草的陡坡跑了下去。 bank [countable] an amount of sth that is collected; a place where sth is stored ready for use库存;库◆they intend to establish a bank of information which will be accessible to the public.他们打算建立一个可以让公众使用的信息库。◆a blood / sperm bank血库;精子库bank¹/bæŋk ||; bæŋk/noun[c] 1. an organization which keeps money safely for its customers; the office or building of such an organization. you can take money out, save, borrow or exchange money at a bank 银行: ◇my salary is paid directly into my bank. 我的薪水直接存入我的银行账户。◇i need to go to the bank to get some money out. 我须要去银行提点钱。◇a bank account/loan 银行账户/贷款 2. a store of things, which you keep to use later 储存起来备用的东西: ◇a databank 数据库◇a blood bank in a hospital 医院的血库 3. the ground along the side of a river or canal 河岸: ◇people were fishing along the banks of the river. 人们在河边钓鱼。 4. a higher area of ground that goes down or up at an angle, often at the edge of sth or dividing sth 斜坡: ◇there were grassy banks on either side of the road. 路的两旁是长草的斜坡。 5. a mass of cloud, snow, etc 一堆(云、雪等): ◇the sun disappeared behind a bank of clouds. 太阳消失在一堆云后面。 bank²/bæŋk ||; bæŋk/verb [i] bank (with/at...) to have an account with a particular bank (在某银行)有账户: ◇i've banked with lloyds for years. 多年来我一直在劳埃德银行有账户。 bank on sb/sth to expect and trust sb to do sth, or sth to happen 指望;信赖: ◇our boss might let you have the morning off but i wouldn't bank on it. 我们老板也许会让你上午休假,但我不会指望这一点。 banksee ⇨ line 6 ⇨ side 2     • • •• ⇨ it won't break the bank☞ bank¹☞ bank²




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