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单词 bunk
释义 bunk/bʌŋk ||; bʌŋk/noun[c] 1. a bed that is fixed to a wall, for example on a ship or train (船、火车等依壁而设的)床铺,卧铺 2. (also bunk bed) one of a pair of single beds built as a unit with one above the other 双层单人床;上下铺 ☞look at the note and picture at bed. 参看 bed 的注释及插图。 do a bunk (brit 英) (informal 非正式) to run away or escape; to leave without telling anyone 逃走;不辞而别 bunk /bʌŋk; bʌŋk/n [c] 1. a narrow bed on a train, or ship, which is joined to the wall [火车、船上靠壁而设的]铺位,卧铺 2. bunk beds two beds that are one on top of the other 双层床 3. do a bunk bre informal to suddenly leave a place without telling anyone 【英,非正式】 逃之夭夭; 擅自离开




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