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单词 fortune
释义 fortune noun¹ 1luck运气adjective | ... of fortune | verb + fortune | fortune + verb | phrases adjective➤good好运气▸➤bad, ill坏运气;厄运... of fortune➤piece, stroke一点儿运气◆by a stroke of good fortune, steven was still in his office.幸运的是,史蒂文还在办公室。verb + fortune➤have有好运▸➤bring (sb)(给某人)带来好运◆a horseshoe nailed to your door is supposed to bring good fortune.门上钉上马蹄铁被认为会带来好运。fortune + verb➤be on sb's side, favour/favor sb, smile on sb命运之神站在某人一边;好运眷顾某人;命运之神向某人微笑◆for once, fortune was on our side: the weather improved in time for the game.这一次好运终于眷顾了我们:比赛前天气及时好转。◆fortune smiled on me that day (= i had good fortune).那天我交了好运。phrases➤as good fortune would have it交好运◆as good fortune would have it, a bus came along just when i needed it.真是幸运,公共汽车正好在我需要的时候来了。➤a change in fortune, a change of fortune转运◆all we can do is hope for a change in fortune.我们只有期待时来运转了。➤have the good fortune to do sth拥有做⋯的幸运◆i had the good fortune to work with people i liked.我真幸运,可以和我喜欢的人一起工作。fortune noun² 2fortunes what happens to sb/sth际遇adjective | verb + fortunes | fortunes + verb | phrases adjective➤declining, flagging不济的时运▸➤changing, fluctuating, mixed变化着的/起伏不定的/好坏交织的运气◆a year of mixed fortunes for the company公司有起有伏的一年➤economic, electoral, political经济/选举/政治命运verb + fortunes➤boost, improve, revive改善际遇;扭转命运◆the party still hopes to revive its flagging electoral fortunes.这个政党仍然希望扭转它不济的选举时运。➤reverse逆转命运▸➤follow跟随命运◆fans who follow the fortunes of their chosen team与自己选择的球队共命运的球迷fortunes + verb➤change, fluctuate (especially bre) 命运变化/跌宕起伏◆a company's fortunes can change overnight.一个公司的命运可以在一夜之间改变。➤improve, rise时运上升▸➤decline, fall时运下跌◆as the country's fortunes rose and fell随着国家命运的跌宕起伏phrases➤a reversal of fortune, a reversal of fortunes (especially bre) 命运的逆转◆the company suffered a reversal of fortune when public taste changed.由于公众口味的改变,这个公司大倒其运。fortune noun³ 3what is going to happen to sb in the future未来将发生的事verb + fortune | fortune + noun verb + fortune➤read, tell算命◆they went to have their fortunes read.他们去找人算命。fortune + noun➤teller, telling算命者;算命fortune noun⁴ 4very large amount of money大量钱财adjective | verb + fortune | fortune + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, enormous, great, immense, large, substantial, vast大笔的钱;巨款;巨额财产▸➤small (= quite large) 相当多的钱◆rebuilding the house must have cost a small fortune.重建这座房子一定花掉了不小数目的钱。➤family, personal家庭/个人财产verb + fortune➤accumulate, acquire, amass, build, build up, earn, make, win积累财富;获得财富;聚集财富;积聚财富;挣得财富;发财;赢得财富▸➤inherit继承财产▸➤leave (sb)(给某人)留下财产◆her aunt died and left her a fortune.她的姨母去世了,给她留下了一笔财产。➤lose, squander失去/挥霍财产◆he lost his fortune in the crash of 1929.他在 1929 年股票市场崩盘时赔上了财产。◆she squandered the family fortune.她挥霍了家产。➤find, seek找到/寻找发财机会◆they went to seek their fortune in the city.他们到城里寻找发财机会。➤be worth值一大笔钱◆some of those old toys are worth a fortune now.那些旧玩具中有一些现在值很大一笔钱。➤cost要花一大笔钱▸➤pay, spend支付/花费一大笔钱◆she spends a fortune on clothes!她在衣服上花钱很多!fortune + noun➤hunter (= a person who tries to become rich by marrying sb with a lot of money) 财富猎人preposition➤fortune from来自⋯的钱财◆he built his fortune from breeding horses.他靠养马积累了财富。➤fortune in在⋯中得到的钱财◆she made a fortune in the property boom.她在房地产大热的时候发了财。➤fortune on以⋯得到的钱财◆they sold their house at the right time and made a fortune on it.他们在适当的时候卖掉房子,发了一大笔财。➤fortune out从⋯中得到的钱财◆he has amassed a considerable fortune out of trading shares.他靠股票交易积聚了很大一笔财富。phrases➤fame and fortune名利◆they went to america in search of fame and fortune.他们到美国去追名寻利。➤heir to a fortune, heiress to a fortune财产继承人◆he was sole heir to the family fortune.他是家庭财产的唯一继承人。 fortune /fɔːtʃuːn; name fɔːrtʃ-/ noun1. [countable] a large amount of money 一大笔钱;巨款◆she made a fortune in real estate. 她做房地产生意发了财。◆he built his fortune selling computers in latin america. 他靠在拉丁美洲销售计算机积累起了财富。⨁ to amass / build (up) / make a fortune集聚/创造财富;发财 ⨁ to lose / pay / spend a fortune失去/支付/花费大笔钱财 ⨁ a considerable / large / substantial fortune一笔可观的/一大笔/相当多的财富 ⨁ a family / personal fortune家庭/个人财产 2. [countable, usually plural; uncountable] the good and bad things that happen to a person, business, country, etc. (个人、企业、国家等的)发展变化趋势,命运,际遇◆the company's financial fortunes are closely linked to those of mexico. 这家公司的财务状况与墨西哥的金融局势密切相关。◆the changing fortunes of the film industry 电影业的变迁◆a plan to restore the group's fortunes 一项恢复集团运势的计划⨁ changing / declining / flagging / mixed fortunes变换的/衰退的/衰败的/有成有败的命运 ⨁ to restore / reverse / revive sb's/sth's fortunes恢复/扭转/重振某人或某事物的命运  ➡  idiom at cost verb☞ fortunefortune [countable, usually plural, uncountable] the good and bad things that happen to sb/sth; what will happen to a person in the future前景;际遇;(个人的)命运,前途◆the share price tends to follow the changing fortunes of the film industry.股价往往随着电影业的浮沉而涨跌。◆her family business suffered a reversal of fortune when public taste changed.公众的品味改变后,她家族生意的命运发生了逆转。◆the fortune teller said she could tell my fortune by looking at the lines on my hand.那个算命的女人说她可凭着看我的手纹替我算命。fortune [uncountable] (rather formal) luck or chance, especially in the way it affects people's lives(尤指影响人生的)机会,运气◆i have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些出色的主管人员共事。◆the team had a dramatic reversal of fortune in the second half.下半场球队的命运发生了戏剧性的逆转。 ➡ see also fortunate → timely fortune [countable, usually singular] a large amount of money大笔的钱;巨款◆she inherited a share of the family fortune.她继承了一份家产。◆you don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals.让家里人顿顿吃得美味又健康并不需要花很多钱。◆that ring must be worth a fortune.那枚戒指肯定价值不菲。◆a car like that costs a small fortune (= a lot of money).像这样的轿车要花一大笔钱。fortune/ˈfɔ:tʃu:n ||; ˈfɔrtʃən/noun1. [c,u] a very large amount of money 一大笔钱: ◇i always spend a fortune on presents at christmas. 我每年都花一大笔钱买圣诞礼物。◇she went to hollywood in search of fame and fortune. 她到好莱坞去追逐名利。 2. [u] chance or the power that affects what happens in a person's life; luck 运气: ◇fortune was not on our side that day (= we were unlucky). 我们那天真倒霉。 [syn] fate 同义词为fate 3. [c] [] the things (both good and bad) that happen to a person, family, country, etc (个人、家庭、国家等的)命运,运气: ◇the country's fortunes depend on its industry being successful. 这个国家的命运有赖于工业兴盛。 4. [c] what is going to happen to a person in the future 一个人的将来;命运: ◇show me your hand and i'll try to tell your fortune. 把你的手给我看看,我来给你算算命。 [syn] fate or destiny 同义词为fate或destinycost the earth/a fortune→cost²fortune• ⇨ a fortune• ⇨ be lucky enough to do sth/have the good fortune to do sth• ⇨ be worth a fortune• ⇨ cost a fortune• ⇨ make a fortune for·tune /`fɔrtʃən; ˈfɔːtʃən/n 1. [c] a lot of money 大笔的钱,巨款:◇julia must have spent a fortune on her wedding dress! 茱丽亚肯定在结婚礼服上花了一大笔钱!◇he made a fortune on that deal. 他在那笔交易中赚了大钱。 2. [c usually plural 一般用复数,u] chance, or the good and bad things that happen to you 机遇; 命运:◇a win that marked a change in the team's fortunes 标志着该球队时来运转的一次胜利 3. tell sb's fortune to tell someone what will happen to them in the future 替某人算命




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