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单词 collaboration
释义 collaboration nounadjective | ... of collaboration | verb + collaboration | preposition adjective➤active, close积极/紧密合作▸➤effective, fruitful, happy, successful有效的/富有成果的/愉快的/成功的合作▸➤interdisciplinary, international学科间/国际合作➤artistic, creative艺术/创造性合作▸➤research合作研究... of collaboration➤degree某种程度的合作verb + collaboration➤foster促成合作◆the project is designed to foster collaboration between the university and industry.该课题旨在促成大学与业界之间的合作。preposition➤in collaboration with与⋯的合作◆rock musicians are working in collaboration with an orchestra to create a new opera.摇滚音乐家正在与管弦乐队合作创作一出新歌剧。➤collaboration among⋯间的合作◆a collaboration among experts in various fields各领域专家间的合作➤collaboration between⋯之间的合作◆a collaboration between two writers两位作家之间的合作➤collaboration with与⋯的合作◆the results of a fruitful collaboration with the industry与业界有效合作的成果collaboration /kəˌlæbəreɪʃn/ noun1. [uncountable, countable] the act of working with another person or group of people to create or produce sth 合作;协作◆four firms have been involved in technical collaboration on this project. 四家公司已参与这个项目的技术合作。◆many of their products are designed in collaboration with customers. 他们的许多产品都是和用户合作设计的。◆close collaboration between schools and industry 学校与工业的密切合作2. [countable] a piece of work produced by two or more people or groups of people working together 合作成果☞ collaborationcollaboration• ⇨ in collaboration with col·lab·o·ra·tion /kəˏlæbə`reʃən; kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən/n [u] 1. when you work together with someone to produce something 合作,协作:◇the two companies worked in close collaboration on the project. 这两家公司在那个项目上紧密协作。 2. help given to an enemy during a war 通敌,勾结




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