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单词 cogent
释义 cogent /kəʊdʒənt; name koʊdʒənt/ (formal) (of an argument, a reason or evidence) expressed firmly and clearly in a way that influences what people believe(论据、理由或证据)有说服力的,令人信服的◆his criticisms still seem cogent today as they did twenty years ago.他的评论至今仍有说服力,一如二十年前一样。cogent/ˈkəʊdʒənt ||; ˈkodʒənt/adj (formal 正式) strongly and clearly expressed in a way that influences what people believe 有说服力的: ◇a cogent argument/reason 令人信服的论据╱理由 co·gent /`kodʒənt; ˈkəʊdʒənt/adjformal a cogent reason is strong enough to persuade people that something is correct 【正式】 [理由]有说服力的,令人信服的:◇there were cogent reasons for a nuclear test ban. 有令人信服的理由禁止核试验。




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