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单词 gross
释义 gross /grəʊs; name groʊs/ adjective (accounting 会计) (abbreviation gr) (about an amount of money) being the total before tax or other costs are taken away (金额)总的,毛的◆she has a gross income of $55 000. 她的总收入为 55 000 元。◆our gross revenues rose 5% last year. 我们去年的毛收入增长 5%。◆it will soon be easier for overseas investors to receive gross interest. 海外投资者不久便能较易获得毛利。  ➡  net ⨁ gross earnings / income / revenue / salary / wages总收益/收入/收入/薪金/工资 ⨁ gross interest / returns / yields毛利息/收益/产量 (abbreviation gr) (about a weight) including everything such as the container or wrapping as well as the contents (重量)毛的;总的◆the regulations do not apply to goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight (= including the vehicle and the contents) of less than 3 500 kg. 这些规定并不适用于最大毛重少于 3 500 公斤的货车。 (law 法律) (formal) [only before noun] (about behaviour) very bad and unacceptable (行为)严重的,不可接受的;令人厌恶的◆the firm had suffered from years of gross mismanagement. 这家公司因多年管理严重不善而受损。◆the finance director was dismissed for gross misconduct. 财务董事因严重失职而被解雇了。gross /grəʊs; name groʊs/ adverbin total, before tax or any other costs are taken away 总共;全部◆she earns $30 000 a year gross. 她一年总收入为 3 万元。  ➡  net gross /grəʊs; name groʊs/ verb [transitive] to earn a particular amount of money before tax and other costs are taken away 总收入为;总共赚得◆he predicted that the company would gross $20 million in 2012. 他预测这家公司 2012 年总收入为 2 000 万元。◆it is one of the highest grossing movies of all time. 这是有史以来票房收入最高的影片之一。 ●gross sth up (accounting 会计) to calculate a total amount by adding the amount that is usually taken off in taxes, etc. to a net amount (= with taxes taken off) 多加;返计还原◆you must gross it up by 30% to give you the equivalent amount of gross income. 你必须多加 30% 以得出总收入金额。  ➡  gross-up gross /grəʊs; name groʊs/ noun [countable] (plural grosses) (especially name) a total amount of money earned by sb/sth, especially a film/movie, before any costs are taken away (尤指影片的)毛收入,总收入 (plural gross) (abbreviation gr.) a group of 144 things 一箩(144 个)◆to sell sth by the gross 按箩出售☞ gross☞ gross☞ gross☞ gross☞ grossgross /grəʊs; name groʊs/ (informal, spoken) (of a smell, taste or personal habit) extremely unpleasant(气味、味道或个人习惯)令人不快的,使人厌恶的◆'he ate it with mustard.' 'oh, gross!'“他用芥末拌着吃。”“啊,真恶心!”gross /grəʊs; name groʊs/ [transitive] to make an amount of money as profit before you have paid tax on it(税前)总收入为,总共赚得◆the tour grossed a massive £20 million at the box office.巡回演出的总票房收入达 2 000 万英镑之巨。gross /grəʊs; name groʊs/ [only before noun] (finance金融) being the total amount of sth before anything else is taken away总的;毛的◆the family have three children and a gross income of £50 000 (= before taxes, etc. are taken away).这家有三个孩子,税前总收入为 5 万英镑。opp net ⓘ a net amount of money is the amount that remains when nothing more is to be taken away. * net 指净得的、纯的◆a net profit of £500500 英镑的纯利润◆net income / earnings (= after tax has been paid) 纯收入gross/grəʊs ||; gros/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) being the total amount before anything is taken away 总的: ◇gross income (= before tax, etc is taken away) 总收入(即扣除税款等之前的收入) [opp] net 反义词为net 2. (formal 正式) (only before a noun 只用于名词前) very great or serious 很大的;严重的: ◇gross indecency/negligence/misconduct 极为下流;严重的疏忽;严重的行为不检 3. very rude and unpleasant 粗鲁的;令人不快的 4. very fat and ugly 臃肿而难看的grosssee ⇨ earn 1 ⇨ horrible 3 ⇨ total 1☞ gross¹☞ gross²




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