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单词 destiny
释义 destiny nounadjective | verb + destiny | destiny + verb | phrases adjective➤your own自己的宿命◆he wanted to take control of his own destiny.他想要掌握自己的命运。➤manifest明白无误的宿命➤human人类的宿命➤true真正的宿命◆he came to paris and found his true destiny as a poet.他来到巴黎,命中注定成为一个诗人。➤economic, political经济/政治命运➤ultimate最终命运◆i believe that only god knows what our ultimate destinies are.我相信只有上帝知道我们的最终宿命。verb + destiny➤face, meet面对命运;直面宿命◆the time was right for him to meet his destiny.他命中注定的时刻就要到了。➤fulfil/fulfill应验宿命◆she felt that she had fulfilled her destiny.她感觉她的宿命应验了。➤accept接受命运◆there's not much you can do but accept your destiny.除了接受命运的安排以外,你没有太多可做的事情。➤avoid, escape逃脱宿命◆no man can escape his destiny.没有人能逃脱自己的宿命。➤control掌握命运◆can we control our own destiny?我们能掌握自己的命运吗?➤find发现宿命◆she had to find her destiny on her own.她得靠自己去发现自己的宿命。➤alter, change改变命运◆it was a decision which could have changed my destiny.这是一个本来会改变我命运的决定。➤decide, determine, shape决定命运◆something was about to happen that would shape her destiny.决定她命运的事情即将发生。destiny + verb➤await sb, lie命运等待某人;命运存在(于)◆the destiny that awaited him等待着他的命运◆her destiny lay in that city.她的命运系于那座城市。phrases➤be in control of your own destiny, be master of your own destiny掌握/主宰自己的命运◆she set up her own business because she wanted to be in control of her own destiny.她建立了自己的公司,因为她要掌握自己的命运。➤a sense of destiny宿命感◆he was driven on by a strong sense of destiny.他被一种强烈的宿命感所驱使。destiny /destəni/ [countable, usually singular] the things that will happen to sb/sth, especially an important thing that cannot be avoided命运;天命;天数◆the destinies of five nations were decided at the peace conference.五个国家的命运在和平会议上决定了。◆she set up her own business because she wanted to be in control of her own destiny.她开办了自己的公司,因为她想要掌握自己的命运。◆he was convinced that sooner or later he would fulfil his destiny.他坚信迟早他会完成自己的使命。▸ destined adjective [not before noun] ◆he was destined for a military career, like his father before him.他命中注定要步父亲的后尘,过戎马生涯。◆we seemed destined never to meet.我们似乎是命中注定无缘相见。destiny /destəni/ [uncountable] the power that is believed to control events主宰事物的力量;命运之神◆i believe there's some force guiding us-call it god, destiny or fate.我相信有某种力量在引导着我们 - 称之为上帝也罢,天意也罢,或是命运也罢。◆she was spurred on by a strong sense of destiny.一种强烈的使命感激励着她。  ➡ see also destined → certain destiny/ˈdestəni ||; ˈdɛstənɪ/noun (plural destinies) 1. [c] the things that happen to you in your life, especially things that you cannot control 天命;定数: ◇she felt that it was her destiny to be a great singer. 她觉得自己命中注定要成为出色的歌手。 2. [u] a power that people believe controls their lives 命运 [syn] fate 同义词为fatedestinysee ⇨ future 4 des·ti·ny /`dɛstənɪ; ˈdestɪni/n [c,u]the things that will happen to someone in the future, or the power that controls this; fate 命运; 天命:◇a nation fighting to control its own destiny 为掌握自己的命运而战的国家




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