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单词 cradle
释义 cradle verbadverb | preposition adverb➤gently轻轻地抱着◆he picked the child up and gently cradled him in his arms.他抱起了小孩,轻轻地搂在怀里。preposition➤against抱在⋯上◆she sat with the child cradled against her.她怀抱孩子坐着。➤in怀抱在⋯里 cradle [transitive] to hold sb/sth gently in your arms or hands, in the way that you might hold a baby(抱婴儿般地)轻轻地抱着◆the old man cradled the tiny baby in his arms.老人把幼小的婴儿轻轻抱在怀里。cradle¹/ˈkreɪdl ||; ˈkredḷ/noun [c] a small bed for a baby. cradles can often be moved from side to side. 摇篮 ☞picture at bed 见bed插图 cradle²/ˈkreɪdl ||; ˈkredḷ/verb [t] to hold sb/sth carefully and gently in your arms 小心翼翼地抱着 cradlesee ⇨ come from 7☞ cradle¹☞ cradle²




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