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单词 bug
释义 bug noun¹ 1infectious illness传染病adjective | verb + bug | bug + verb | preposition adjective➤nasty严重的疾病▸➤flu, stomach, tummy流感;胃肠传染病verb + bug➤have得病▸➤catch, come down with, get, pick up感染疾病;染病bug + verb➤go around, go round (especially bre) 疾病流行◆a stomach bug has been going around at school.一种肠胃病在学校流行起来。➤strike sb down (bre) 疾病使某人倒下preposition➤with a/the bug因为生病◆he's off work with a flu bug.他因为得了流感不能上班。  ➡ topic at illness bug noun² 2sudden interest in sth突然产生的兴趣verb + bug | bug + verb verb + bug➤be bitten by, catch, get入迷◆she's been bitten by the travel bug.她迷上了旅游。bug + verb➤bite (sb)迷住(某人)bug noun³ 3sth wrong in a system/machine系统或机器的毛病adjective | verb + bug | preposition adjective➤minor小故障➤annoying讨厌的故障▸➤computer, software计算机/软件故障verb + bug➤discover, find发现/找到故障➤fix修理故障preposition➤bug in⋯里的故障◆a bug in the software软件上的故障 bug /bʌg/ noun [countable] (it 信息技术) a problem in a computer system or program (计算机系统或程序的)漏洞,缺陷,错误◆the software company has posted a bug fix (= a program that will remove the problem) on its website. 软件公司已经在其网站上公布了漏洞修复程序。  ➡  virus ☞ bug bug( -gg-) [transitive] (informal) to slightly annoy or worry sb使烦恼;使担忧◆what's the matter? is there something bugging you?怎么了?有什么事烦你吗? bug [countable] (rather informal) a fault in a machine, especially in a computer program or system(机器)故障;(尤指计算机程序或系统的)缺陷,漏洞◆the latest software is full of bugs.这种最新软件有大量程序错误。◆my computer's really slow at the moment-it must be some kind of bug.我的计算机现在速度特别慢,一定是出了什么故障。 bug [countable] (informal) an infectious illness that is usually fairly mild轻微传染病;小病◆there's a stomach bug going round (= people are catching it from each other).现在流行一种肠胃传染病。 bug(-gg-) [transitive] to put a special electronic listening device (= a bug) somewhere in order to listen secretly to sb's private conversations装窃听器窃听◆they bugged her hotel room.他们在她的旅馆房间里装了窃听器。bug¹/bʌg ||; bʌg/noun1. [c] (especially us 尤为美) any small insect 小虫子 2. [c] an illness that is not very serious and that people get from each other (由传染引起的)小病: ◇i don't feel very well -- i think i've got the bug that's going round. 我感到不适,看来感染了流行性病毒。 3. [c] something wrong in a system or machine, especially a computer (系统、机器的,尤指计算机的)毛病,故障: ◇there's a bug in the software. 软件有毛病。 4. usuallythe...bug [sing] (informal 非正式) a sudden interest in sth (一时的)狂热: ◇they've been bitten by the golf bug. 他们迷上了高尔夫球。 5. [c] a very small device (microphone)that is hidden and secretly records people's conversations 窃听器bug²/bʌg ||; bʌg/verb [t] (bugging;bugged) 1. to hide a very small device (microphone) somewhere so that people's conversations can be recorded secretly 安装窃听器: ◇be careful what you say. this room is bugged. 不要乱说话,这个房间装了窃听器。 2. (informal 非正式) to annoy or worry sb 烦扰;使烦恼: ◇it bugs him that he's not as successful as his brother. 他憋了一肚子气,为的是他没他哥哥那样成功。 bugsee ⇨ angry 7 ⇨ computers/internet/email 7 ⇨ fault 1 ⇨ illness/disease 1 ⇨ listen 2     • • •• ⇨ get the bug☞ bug¹☞ bug²




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