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单词 dead²
释义 dead²advinformal 【非正式】 1. completely 完全地,彻底地:◇dead tired i've been dead tired all day. 一整天我都感觉十分疲惫。◇stop dead she stopped dead when she saw us. 她看到我们后突然停了下来。 2. directly or exactly 直接地; 不偏不倚地:◇you can't miss it — it's dead ahead at the lights. 一定找得到,就在前面的红绿灯处。◇dead on time/midnight/3 o'clock etc the plane landed dead on time. 飞机准时到达了。 3. bre spoken very or extremely 【英口】非常地,绝对地:◇who was that boy you were with last night? he was dead good-looking. 昨晚和你在一起的男孩是谁? 他帅极了。




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