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单词 identification
释义 identification noun¹ 1act of identifying sb/sth辨别adjective | verb + identification | identification + noun adjective➤accurate, correct, precise准确的/正确的/精确的识别▸➤positive肯定的鉴定➤mistaken误认◆there is virtually no risk of mistaken identification in cases of date rape.约会强奸案中几乎没有错误指认的风险。➤quick, rapid快速的/迅速的辨认➤early及早的辨认◆early identification of adolescents at risk for violence is needed.及早识别有遭受暴力侵害危险的青少年是必要的。➤easy轻易的识别➤eyewitness (especially name) 目击者指认◆eyewitness identification is not as reliable as we tend to believe.目击者指认不像我们通常认为的那样可靠。➤biometric, fingerprint, radio frequency, visual生物测定鉴别;指纹识别;射频识别;视觉识别◆the science of biometric identification生物识别科学verb + identification➤make进行辨认◆she was unable to make a positive identification of the suspect.她不能确切指认嫌疑人。➤allow, enable, permit使可以辨认;使能够识别◆red and black wires are used to enable identification of specific circuits.红线和黑线用来帮助识别具体的电路。➤facilitate帮助辨认◆the examination facilitates the early identification of any health problems.体检有助于尽早发现健康隐患。identification + noun➤parade (bre) (供目击者辨认嫌疑犯的)辨认队列◆he stood on an identification parade at the police station.他站在警察局的辨认队列中。➤procedure, process, technique鉴定程序/过程/技术identification noun² 2proof of identity身分证明verb + identification | identification + noun | phrases verb + identification➤carry, have携带身分证明;有身分证明◆always carry some identification.要随时携带能证明身分的证件。◆do you have any identification?你有身分证明吗?➤produce, provide, show提供身分证明;出示身分证明◆one passenger couldn't provide identification.有一名乘客不能提供身分证明。➤ask for, check要求出示/查验身分证明◆the police checked their identification.警方检查了他们的身分证件。➤need, require需要/要求身分证明◆to vote, florida law requires a photo identification with a signature.佛罗里达州的法律要求必须持有带照片和签名的身分证明才能参加选举。identification + noun➤card, document, papers身分证;身分证明文件;身分证明文书➤badge, bracelet, device, label, tag, technology身分证章;识别腕带;识别装置;识别标签;识别号牌;识别技术▸➤code, number识别码;识别号◆the vehicle's identification number is stamped on the engine.车辆识别码就印在发动机上。phrases➤a means of identification证明身分的方法◆my only means of identification was my credit card.唯一能证明我身分的就是我这信用卡了。➤for identification purposes为了识别身分◆having their picture taken for identification purposes为以后证明身分给他们照了相 identification /aɪˌdentɪfɪkeɪʃn/ noun1. [uncountable, countable] the process of showing, proving or recognizing who or what sb/sth is 鉴定;辨认◆each part has a number for easy identification. 每一部分都有号码以便识别。◆an identification number 识别号码2. [uncountable] official papers or a document that can prove who you are 身分证明◆can i see some identification, please? 请给我看看你的身分证件可以吗?  ➡  id noun☞ identificationidentificationnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆each product has a number for easy identification.每件产品都有标码以便识别。◆only one witness could make a positive identification.只有一名目击者能够明确指认。identificationnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆each product has a number for easy identification.每件产品都有标码以便识别。◆only one witness could make a positive identification.只有一名目击者能够明确指认。identification/aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ||; aɪˌdɛntəfəˈkeʃən/noun[u] [c] 1. the process of showing, recognizing or giving proof of who or what sb/sth is 辨认;验明: ◇the identification of the bodies of those killed in the explosion was very difficult. 爆炸事件死难者的尸体难以辨认。 2. (abbr id) [u] an official paper, document, etc that is proof of who you are 身分证明文件: ◇do you have any identification? 你有没有身分证明文件? 3. identification (with sb/sth) a strong feeling of understanding or sharing the same feelings as sb/sth 对…怀有的同感;认同: ◇children's identification with tv heroes 儿童对电视片英雄角色的认同 i·den·ti·fi·ca·tion /aɪˏdɛntəfə`keʃən; aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/n [u] 1. something official that shows your name, address etc, usually with a photograph; id 身分证明(文件):◇you can use a passport as identification. 你可以用护照作为身分证明。 2. when you say that you recognize someone or something 确认,识别,鉴定:◇the bodies are awaiting identification. 这些尸体有待辨认。




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