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单词 emotional
释义 emotional adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, sound情绪激动;感到情绪激动;看上去感情强烈;听起来情绪激动▸➤become, get, grow变得情绪激动◆he got very emotional during the speech.他演讲时变得非常激动。➤make sb使某人情绪激动◆having all her friends around her made her very emotional.所有的朋友都围在身边,让她情绪非常激动。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常激动▸➤deeply, highly, intensely情绪极其激动;情绪激昂➤overly过度激动preposition➤about因⋯而情绪激动◆don't be so emotional about everything!不要对任何事都这么激动 !phrases➤in an emotional state处于情绪激动的状态◆he was in a very emotional state.他现在情绪非常激动。 emotional adjectiveemotional ♦︎ spiritual ♦︎ innerthese words all describe sth connected with your feelings and emotions rather than physical or practical things.这些词均表示感情的、情感的、心灵的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆emotional / spiritual / inner development / needs / strength / turmoil◆sb's emotional / spiritual / inner self / state◆emotional / spiritual growth / support / welfare / well-being■ emotional [usually before noun] connected with people's feelings and emotions感情的;情感的◆victims require emotional support and reassurance.受害人需要情感上的支持和安慰。◆physical and emotional well-being are inextricably linked.身心两方面的健康是密不可分的。◆an enduring emotional attachment between mother and baby develops in the first year.母婴间恒久的情感依恋在头一年便慢慢培养起来。▸ emotionally adverb◆emotionally disturbed children有情绪问题的孩子◆i try not to become emotionally involved.我尽量不让自己投入太多感情。■ spiritual [usually before noun] connected with the human spirit, rather than the body or physical things精神的;心灵的◆many eastern cultures put spiritual values before material values.许多东方文化将精神价值置于物质价值之上。◆he was committed to the welfare, both spiritual and physical, of the men under his command.他承诺要为下属谋福祉,使他们身心健康。opp material ⓘ material things are connected with money and possessions rather than with the needs of the mind or spirit. * material 指物质上的◆material comforts物质上的各种享受◆changes in your material circumstances物质环境的改变▸ spiritually adverb◆a spiritually uplifting book陶冶性情的书■ inner [only before noun](of thoughts or feelings) private and secret; not expressed or shown to other people(思想或感情)内心的,未表达出来的,隐藏的◆she doesn't reveal much of her inner self.她不大流露她的内在自我。◆an inner voice told him that what he was doing was wrong.心底有一把声音告诉他这样做是不对的。 emotional [usually before noun] connected with people's feelings and emotions感情的;情感的◆victims require emotional support and reassurance.受害人需要情感上的支持和安慰。◆physical and emotional well-being are inextricably linked.身心两方面的健康是密不可分的。◆an enduring emotional attachment between mother and baby develops in the first year.母婴间恒久的情感依恋在头一年便慢慢培养起来。▸ emotionally adverb◆emotionally disturbed children有情绪问题的孩子◆i try not to become emotionally involved.我尽量不让自己投入太多感情。 emotional (sometimes disapproving) showing strong emotions, sometimes in a way that other people think is unnecessary情绪激动的;感情冲动的◆an emotional outburst / response / reaction感情爆发;情绪激动的回答/反应◆they made an emotional appeal for help.他们情绪激动地请求救助。◆he tends to get emotional on these occasions.他在这些场合往往容易动感情。  ➡ see also emotion → emotion emotional/ɪˈməʊʃənl ||; ɪˈmoʃənḷ/adj1. connected with people's feelings 情绪的;感情的: ◇emotional problems 情绪问题 2. causing strong feelings 感人的: ◇he gave an emotional speech. 他慷慨陈辞。 3. having strong emotions and showing them in front of people 情绪化的;易激动的: ◇she always gets very emotionalwhen i leave. 每当我要离开的时候,她的情绪总是十分激动。 ➔emotionally /-ʃənəli ||; -ʃənḷɪ/ adv ◇she felt physically and emotionally drained after giving birth. 生完孩子以后,她觉得身心俱疲。 emotionalsee ⇨ feel 9,10 e·mo·tion·al /ɪ`moʃənḷ; ɪˈməʊʃənəl/adj 1. showing your emotions to other people, especially by crying 情绪激动的[尤指哭泣]:◇he became very emotional when i mentioned his first wife. 我提到他第一任妻子时,他变得情绪很激动。 2. making people have strong feelings 动人的:◇the emotional impact of the film 这部影片强烈的感染力 3. connected with your feelings 感情(上)的,情绪(上)的:◇emotional problems 情绪方面的种种问题




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