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单词 embargo
释义 embargo nounadjective | verb + embargo | preposition adjective➤complete, strict, total全面禁运;严格禁运➤partial部份禁运➤mandatory强制禁运➤crippling造成严重影响的禁运◆the crippling economic embargo against haiti针对海地的重创性经济禁运➤international国际禁运▸➤economic经济禁运▸➤arms, oil, trade武器/石油/贸易禁运verb + embargo➤impose, place, put, put in place实行禁运◆congress put an embargo on trade with these countries.国会对这些国家实行贸易禁运。➤enforce, tighten加强禁运▸➤end, lift取消禁运;解禁◆the government has agreed to lift the embargo imposed ten years ago.政府同意取消 10 年前颁布的禁运令。➤break, violate打破禁运令;违反禁运令◆we knew the arms embargo was being broken.我们知道武器禁运被打破了。preposition➤embargo against对⋯实施禁运◆the international embargo against the country对这个国家实施的国际禁运➤embargo on在⋯方面的禁运◆a strict embargo on oil imports严格的石油进口禁令 embargo /ɪmbɑːgəʊ; name ɪmbɑːrgoʊ/ noun [countable] (plural embargoes) (economics 经济学) an official order that prevents trade with another country 禁止贸易令;禁运◆the government has put an embargo on oil exports. 政府已禁止石油出口。◆a trade embargo against/on certain countries 针对某些国家的贸易禁令  ➡  boycott ⨁ to enforce / impose an embargo (on sth)(对某事)实施/实行贸易禁令 ⨁ to place / put an embargo on sth禁止(某物的)贸易 ⨁ to end / lift an embargo结束/取消贸易禁令 ⨁ an arms / oil / a trade embargo武器/石油禁运;贸易禁令 ▸ embargo verb [transitive] (embargoes, embargoing, embargoed, embargoed) ◆all grain sales were embargoed. 所有的粮食销售都被禁运。  ➡  boycott ☞ embargo☞ embargo embargo /ɪmbɑːgəʊ; name ɪmbɑːrgoʊ/ [countable] an official order that forbids trade with another country, sometimes of a particular type of goods(对特定种类货物的)贸易禁令;禁运◆there is a strict embargo on oil imports.严禁进口石油产品。◆we knew the arms embargo was being broken.我们知道武器禁运遭到了破坏。embargo/ɪmˈbɑ:gəʊ ||; ɪmˈbɑrgo/noun [c] (plural embargoes) an official order to stop doing business with another country 禁运: ◇to impose an embargo on sth 对某物实行禁运◇to lift/remove an embargo 撤销禁运 embargosee ⇨ forbid 7 em·bar·go /ɪm`bɑrgo; ɪmˈbɑːɡəʊ/n [c], plural 复数 embargoesan official order to stop trade with another country 贸易禁令,禁运:◇the un is considering lifting the oil embargo (=ending it). 联合国在考虑取消石油禁运令。 embargov [t]




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