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单词 insistent
释义 insistent adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be坚持▸➤become, grow变得坚决;越来越坚持▸➤remain依然坚持adverb➤most, quite, very极力/十分/非常坚持◆she was most insistent that we shouldn't leave the door unlocked.她极力坚持说我们不应该不锁门。preposition➤about坚持⋯◆she was insistent about inviting him.她坚持要邀请他。➤on, upon坚持要求⋯◆he was insistent on a formal written agreement.他坚持要求签订一份正式的书面协议。insistent /ɪnsɪstənt/ [not usually before noun] (rather formal) demanding sth firmly and refusing to accept any opposition or excuses坚持的;固执的◆why are you so insistent that we leave tonight?你为什么坚持要我们今晚离开?◆she didn't want to go but her brother was insistent.她不想去,可她哥哥非要她去。ⓘ someone who is insistent repeats over and over again what they want or what they think should be done. * insistent 指一再提出某个要求或坚持认为该做某事。  ➡ see also insist → demand verb insistent/ɪnˈsɪstənt ||; ɪnˈsɪstənt/adj1. insistent (on sth/doing sth);insistent that... saying strongly that you must have or do sth, or that sb else must do sth 坚持: ◇doctors are insistent on the need to do more exercise. 医生坚决认为要多运动。◇she was most insistent that we should all be there. 她十分坚持要我们所有人都到那里。 2. continuing for a long time in a way that cannot be ignored 持续(因而不能不理会): ◇the insistent ringing of the telephone 响个不停的电话 ➔insistently adv insistent• ⇨ be insistent in·sis·tent /ɪn`sɪstənt; ɪnˈsɪstənt/adjfirmly saying that something should be done 坚持的,坚决要求的:◇she's very insistent that we should all be on time. 她很严格地要求我们全都要准时。




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