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单词 fightback
释义 fight back phrasal verbfight back ♦︎ retaliate ♦︎ get back at sb ♦︎ avenge ♦︎ hit back ♦︎ get even ♦︎ strike back ♦︎ settle a scorethese words all mean to harm or punish sb in return for sth that they have done to you.这些词均表示反击、报复、复仇。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to retaliate / get back at sb for sth◆to fight back / retaliate / strike back / settle a score against sb◆to fight back / hit back / strike back at sb◆to retaliate / hit back / strike back with sth◆to fight back / retaliate / hit back by doing sth■ fight back phrasal verb(fought, fought)to resist strongly or attack sb who has attacked you奋力抵抗;还击◆don't let them bully you. fight back!别让他们欺负你。要还击!◆it is time to fight back against street crime.该是打击街头犯罪行为的时候了。◆the team fought back from 3-0 down to get a 3-3 draw.该队奋力反击,把比分从 0 比 3 落后扳成 3 比 3 平。■ retaliate /rɪtælieɪt/ [intransitive] to do sth that harms sb because they have harmed you first报复;反击;复仇◆the police were pelted with stones and retaliated with tear gas.警方遭到石块攻击,还击以催泪瓦斯。◆the boy hit his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.男孩打了他妹妹,妹妹回敬他一脚。 ➡ see also retaliation → revenge ■ get back at sb -->phrasal verb(getting, got, got; name spoken getting, got, gotten) (informal, especially spoken) to do sth that harms or punishes sb because they have harmed you first向某人报复;复仇◆i'll find a way of getting back at him!我会找机会报复他的!■ avenge /əvendʒ/ [transitive] (formal or literary) to punish or hurt sb in return for sth bad or wrong they have done to you, your family or friends报(某事)之仇;向(某人)报仇◆he promised to avenge his father's murder.他发誓要报杀父之仇。◆she was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.她决心报复那个辜负自己的男人。 ➡ see also vengeance → revenge ■ hit back -->phrasal verb(hitting, hit, hit) (rather informal) to reply angrily to criticism(对批评)回击,反击◆in a tv interview she hit back at her critics.她在电视采访中反驳了那些批评她的人。◆the chairman has hit back at claims in a national newspaper.主席在一家全国性报纸上驳斥了那些说法。■ get even -->idiom(getting, got, got; name spoken getting, got, gotten) (informal) to cause sb the same amount of trouble or harm as they have caused you报复;算账;扯平◆i'll get even with you for this, just you wait.这事我会找你算账的,等着瞧吧!■ strike back -->phrasal verb(struck, struck)to retaliate报复;反击;复仇◆he urged his people to strike back if they were attacked.他敦促手下的人如果受到攻击要还击。note 辨析 retaliate or strike back? strike back can be a more emotional term than retaliate. people talk about their own desire to strike back at sb who has hurt them; when you are talking about a situation that you are not involved in yourself, you might use the word retaliate. * strike back 要比 retaliate 更具感情色彩。strike back 指自己想要报复伤害过自己的人;如果说话者本人并未介入报复行动,可用 retaliate◆she was filled with a desire to strike back at him.她一心想要报复他。◆kay was sent off for retaliating against walsh.凯因为报复沃尔什被罚下场。■ settle a score -->idiomto hurt or punish sb who has harmed or cheated you in the past算账;报复◆it was a chance to settle a few scores with their neighbours.那是个跟他们的邻居算几笔旧账的机会。◆'who would do such a thing?' 'maybe someone with an old score to settle.'“谁会做这样的事呢?”“也许是结有宿怨的人吧。”




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