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单词 fiery
释义 fiery /faɪəri/ [usually before noun] quickly or easily becoming angry; showing strong emotions, especially anger暴躁的;易怒的;充满激情的;(尤指)怒气冲冲的◆he's a big strong lad with a fiery temper.他是个身材壮硕、脾气暴躁的小伙子。◆john wesley preached his fiery sermons to large crowds.约翰 • 卫斯理向大批教众慷慨激昂地布道。fiery/ˈfaɪəri ||; ˈfaɪrɪ/adj1. looking like fire 火一般的: ◇she has fiery red hair. 她长着火红色的头发。 2. quick to become angry 暴躁的: ◇a fiery temper 火暴的性子 fierysee ⇨ taste 6 fi·er·y /`faɪrɪ; ˈfaɪəri/adj 1. full of strong or angry emotion 激昂的; 暴躁的:◇a fiery speech 激昂的演说◇she has a fiery temper. 她的脾气暴躁。 2. looking like fire 似火的,火红的:◇a fiery sunset 火红的落日




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