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单词 hungry/not hungry
释义 hungry/not hungry1 wanting to eat2 not hungry3 the feeling you have when you are hungry4 to become hungry5 not having enough food6 when people are ill or dying because of not having enough foodrelated wordssee alsothirsty,eat,food,meal,thin,taste,horrible,delicious,1. wanting to eat 想吃东西的 hungry /ˈhʌŋgri/ [adjective] we were really hungry after our long walk. 我们走了很长一段路,真是饿极了。 are you hungry? do you want a sandwich? 你饿吗?你想来块三明治吗? hungry shoppers waited in line at the food counters. 饥肠辘辘的购物者在食品柜台前排队等候。 feel like something to eat/want something to eat /ˌfiːl laɪk sʌmθɪŋ tʊ ˈiːt, ˌwɒnt sʌmθɪŋ tʊ ˈiːtǁˌwɔːnt-/ [verb phrase] spoken to want to eat something 【口】想吃点东西 it's 12 o'clock - do you feel like something to eat? 12点钟了,你想吃点什么东西吗? do you guys want something to eat? 你们想不想吃点东西? starving/ravenous/famished also starved american /ˈstɑːʳvɪŋ, ˈrævənəs, ˈfæmɪʃt, stɑːʳvd/ [adjective not before noun] spoken very hungry 【口】非常饿的 can we talk about this after dinner, please? i'm famished. 我们吃过饭再谈这事,好吗?我饿坏了。 i missed lunch and i'm starved. 我没吃午饭,饿死了。 normally she did not eat a lot in the morning, but today she was ravenous. 她早上一般吃得不多,但今天她饿坏了。absolutely starving/ravenous/famished i've been driving for eight hours non-stop and i am absolutely starving. 我连续开了八小时的车,现在饿极了。 peckish /ˈpekɪʃ/ [adjective not before noun] british informal a little hungry 【英,非正式】有点饿的 i'm feeling a bit peckish. what's in the fridge? 我觉得有点饿了。冰箱里有什么? the kids were getting peckish so sammy found a cafe nearby. 孩子们有点饿了,于是萨米去找了附近的一家咖啡馆。 have/get the munchies /ˌhæv, ˌget ðə ˈmʌntʃiz/ [verb phrase not in progressive] informal to begin to feel a little hungry, and want something to eat, especially something small rather than a large meal 【非正式】感到饿了,想吃点东西[尤指小食] if you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen. 如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼。2. not hungry 不饿的 not be hungry /nɒt biː ˈhʌŋgri/ [verb phrase] ‘how about something to eat?’ ‘no thanks, i'm not hungry.’ “吃点东西怎么样?”“不,谢谢,我不饿。” we offered her some sandwiches but she said she wasn't hungry. 我们给她一些三明治,但她说不饿。 not feel like/not want anything /nɒt ˈfiːl laɪk, nɒt ˈwɒnt ˌeniθɪŋǁ-ˈwɔːnt-/ [verb phrase] spoken informal say this to tell someone that you are not hungry 【口,非正式】不想吃东西 i had a really big lunch, so i don't feel like anything just now. 我午饭吃得很饱,所以现在不想吃东西。 ‘do you want some toast?’ ‘no thanks, i don't want anything.’ “你想来点吐司吗?”“不了,谢谢,我不想吃东西。] lose your appetite /ˌluːz jɔːr ˈæpə̇taɪt/ [verb phrase] to no longer want to eat anything, especially because you are upset or ill or thinking about something else 没有胃口,没有食欲[尤因烦恼、生病或在考虑其他事] jane's not feeling too well and has lost her appetite. 简身体不太舒服,胃口也不好。 i shifted the food around my plate, suddenly losing my appetite as he told me the news. 他把这个消息告诉了我,我翻拨着盘里的食物,一下子没了胃口。3. the feeling you have when you are hungry 饥饿的感觉 hunger /ˈhʌŋgəʳ/ [uncountable noun] the feeling you have when you have eaten very little food 饥饿;饥饿感 the baby screamed with hunger. 宝宝饿得尖叫起来。 many slimming diets don't provide enough calories to satisfy hunger. 许多瘦身食谱不能够提供足够的热量满足饥饿感。hunger pangs the uncomfortable feelings in your stomach that tell you are very hungry 饥饿引起的不适 if you do feel hunger pangs, nibble on carrot, celery, or cucumber sticks. 如果你饿得感到不适,就吃点胡萝卜条、芹莱条或黄瓜条。 appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt, ˈæpətaɪt/ [countable/uncountable noun] the feeling of wanting to eat when you have not eaten for some time - use this especially when someone does not have their normal desire to eat, for example when they are ill 胃口,食欲 how's his appetite? is he getting enough to eat? 他胃口怎么样?吃的够多吗?good/healthy/big appetite desire to eat a lot 好的/旺盛的/大的胃口 she must be growing; she's got a big appetite right now. 她肯定正在发育,这阵子胃口很大。spoil/ruin your appetite make you not want to eat a meal 影响胃口 don't eat any cake now. you'll spoil your appetite. 现在不要吃蛋糕了,会影响食欲的。4. to become hungry 变得饥饿 get hungry /get ˈhʌŋgri/ [verb phrase] to start to feel hungry, especially because you have not eaten for some time 饿了[尤指有一段时间没吃东西] is it lunchtime yet? i'm getting hungry. 午饭时间到了没有?我饿了。 work up an appetite /ˌwɜːʳk ʌp ən ˈæpə̇taɪt/ [verb phrase] to do something to make yourself want to eat, especially by hard physical exercise [尤指通过剧烈运动]增进食欲 after a long day walking across the hills they had worked up quite an appetite. 他们在山里走了一整天,食欲大增。 there's nothing like skiing to work up an appetite. 滑雪最能增进食欲。 give somebody an appetite /ˌgɪv somebody ən ˈæpə̇taɪt/ [verb phrase not in passive] if work, exercise, etc gives you an appetite it makes you feel hungry [经过工作、锻炼等]使某人有胃口 all that exercise has given me an appetite. 这么多运动使我有了好胃口。 spending all day in the fresh air had given them all an appetite. 整天都在新鲜的空气环境中活动使他们都食欲大增。5. not having enough food 食物不够的 starving /ˈstɑːʳvɪŋ/ [adjective] someone who is starving has not had enough food for a long time and will die soon if they do not eat 饥饿的,挨饿的 the people are starving and they need all the food and medical supplies we can give them. 那里的人民正在挨饿,他们需要我们尽量提供食物和药品。 they have barely enough money to keep them from starving. 他们的钱只够勉强填饱肚子。 a country full of starving people 一个充满饥民的国家the starving people who are starving 饥民 the homeless and the starving, refugees of the war, were flocking to the cities. 无家可归者、饥民和战争难民一群群地涌入城市。 starve /stɑːʳv/ [intransitive verb] to have so little food to eat that you become ill or die 挨饿;饿死 the prisoners were taken out into the desert and left to starve. 囚犯们被押出去,扔进沙漠慢慢地饿死。 in 1884, the crew of young's ship nearly starved when they were blown off course. 1884年,扬的船被吹离航道,船员差一点饿死。starve to death starve and die 饿死 unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve to death. 这些人如果在两个星期之后还拿不到食物,就会活活饿死。 hungry /ˈhʌŋgri/ [adjective] if people are hungry, they need food but do not have enough food to eat over a long period of time 挨饿的,饥饿的 my children are hungry, i need a job. 我的孩子们正在挨饿,我需要一份工作。 hungry people crowded around the relief wagon for food. 饥饿的人们拥在救济车周围要食物。go hungry not get food to eat 挨饿 if the crops fail again this year thousands of people will go hungry. 如果今年庄稼仍歉收,成千上万的人就会挨饿。 not get enough to eat /nɒt get ɪˌnʌf tʊ ˈiːt/ [verb phrase] to not be given enough food, so that you are becoming ill 没有足够的东西吃 the refugees in the camps are not getting enough to eat, and the living conditions are terrible. 难民营里的人没有足够的食物吃,生活条件非常糟糕。 a baby who is not gaining weight is probably not getting enough to eat. 婴儿如果体重不增加,很可能是因为没有足够的东西吃。 half-starved /ˌhɑːf ˈstɑːʳvd◂ǁˌhæf-/ [adjective] thin and looking ill because you do not have enough to eat 半饥半饱的 poor dog! he looks half-starved. 好可怜的狗!它看上去像吃不饱似的。 the soldiers were dirty and half-starved. 士兵们一副肮脏、饿得半死的样子。 underfed /ˌʌndəʳˈfed◂/ [adjective] written people or animals who are underfed are not being given enough food to eat 【书面】[人或动物]吃不饱的,未喂饱的 the servants were overworked and underfed. 佣人们劳累过度,食不果腹。 fields full of underfed cattle 到处是处于饥饿状态的牛群的田野 malnourished /ˌmælˈnʌrɪʃt◂ǁ-ˈnɜː-, -ˈnʌ-/ [adjective] formal unhealthy and thin because you have not had the right kinds of food over a long period of time 【正式】营养不良的 during the 1930s a large proportion of britain's urban population was malnourished. 20世纪30年代,英国有很大比例的城市人口营养不良。6. when people are ill or dying because of not having enough food 人们因为没有足够的食物而面临疾病或死亡 hunger /ˈhʌŋgəʳ/ [uncountable noun] many people could die from cold and hunger this winter as the war continues. 战争在继续,这个冬天可能会有许多人死于寒冷和饥饿。 the slum-dwellers suffer from poverty, hunger, and disease. 贫民区居民遭受着穷困、饥饿和疾病的折磨。weak with/from hunger weak with hunger, she staggered up to the cabin door. 她饿得身体发虚,摇摇晃晃地走到小木屋门口。 starvation /stɑːʳˈveɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] suffering or death caused by not having enough food to eat 饥饿,挨饿;饿死 the survivors were close to starvation when they were rescued. 生还者获救的时候都快饿死了。 a global fall in the price of rice spread hardship and even starvation to many parts of indochina. 全球米价下跌,使贫穷甚至饥饿的现象扩大到了印度支那的许多地区。die of starvation 30 million people die of starvation each year. 每年有3,000万人死于饥饿。brink of starvation almost dying because of not having enough food 濒临饿死的边缘 thousands of refugees are on the brink of starvation in camps south of the capital. 首都南面的难民营里有成千上万的难民因为饥饿而濒临死亡。 malnutrition /ˌmælnjʊˈtrɪʃənǁ-nʊ-/ [uncountable noun] bad health caused by not eating enough food or by not eating enough of the right kinds of food 营养不良 many of the children showed signs of malnutrition. 许多孩子都有营养不良的症状。 a survey of us households found evidence of malnutrition in those persons with the lowest incomes. 一项针对美国家庭的调查发现,收入最低的人当中有营养不良的情况出现。 famine /ˈfæmɪn, ˈfæmən/ [countable/uncountable noun] a situation in which a large number of people in a country or area are very hungry and many die because the crops of rice, wheat etc have failed 饥荒;饥馑 millions of people in africa continue to die because of war and famine. 非洲仍有几百万人继续死于战争和饥荒。 the four-year drought has caused widespread famine across afghanistan. 四年的干旱导致阿富汗出现大饥荒。




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