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单词 humour
释义 humour noun¹ 1 (bre) (name humor) amusing quality/ability to find things funny幽默感adjective | ... of humour/humor | verb + humour/humor | phrases adjective➤wry揶揄的幽默◆with wry humour, they laugh at their misfortunes.他们对自己的倒霉事儿加以揶揄。➤ironic, tongue-in-cheek讽刺性/挖苦的幽默▸➤self-deprecating自我贬低的幽默▸➤deadpan, dry冷幽默▸➤gentle, subtle高雅的/巧妙的幽默▸➤sly狡黠的幽默▸➤irreverent无礼的幽默▸➤black, dark, gallows, grim黑色幽默;面临大难时的幽默;冷酷的幽默▸➤caustic, sardonic刻薄的/讽刺的幽默▸➤slapstick, visual闹剧式的幽默;视觉幽默▸➤unintentional不经意的诙谐▸➤schoolboy (bre) 浅薄的幽默◆his colleagues soon got fed up with his schoolboy humour.他的同事很快就厌倦了他那种幼稚的玩笑。➤lavatorial, toilet (both especially bre) 低俗的幽默▸➤gross-out (informal, especially name) 令人厌恶的幽默◆this movie takes crude gross-out humour to a new low.这部电影把粗鲁的令人作呕的幽默拉到了新低。... of humour/humor➤touch一丝幽默◆her speech was serious, but not without the occasional touch of humour.她的演讲很严肃,但偶尔也会透出一丝诙谐。verb + humour/humor➤be full of, contain充满幽默感;包含幽默感◆the stories are full of humour.这些故事充满了幽默感。➤use使用幽默◆the movie uses humour to make its points.这部电影通过幽默来表达观点。➤appreciate, see欣赏/领会幽默感◆the man who lost his shoes failed to see the humour of the situation.那个丢了鞋子的男人并未领悟这一情景的幽默之处。phrases➤a brand of humour自成一格的幽默◆a television sitcom with its own peculiar brand of humour具有独特幽默风格的电视情景喜剧➤sense of humour幽默感◆to have a dry / good / great / warped / weird / wicked sense of humour有一种不动声色的/良好的/很强的/反常的/怪异的/恶作剧式的幽默感humour noun² 2 (bre) (name humor) mood情绪adjective | phrases adjective➤good好心情◆her good humour was restored by the excellent meal.丰盛的大餐使她恢复了好心情。phrases➤in (a) good humour心情好◆the remarks were made in good humour.这番话是在心情颇好的情况下说的。◆he was obviously in a good humour this evening.他今晚显然心情不错。humour (bre) (name humor) nounhumour ♦︎ wit ♦︎ banter ♦︎ comedy ♦︎ funny sidethese are all words for things that people say or write that are funny or amusing, or the quality in sth that makes it funny or amusing.这些词均表示幽默、诙谐。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆gentle / wry humour / wit / comedy◆caustic / sardonic humour / wit◆dry / deadpan / black humour / comedy◆to see / appreciate the humour / comedy / funny side of sth■ humour (bre) (name humor) [uncountable] the quality in sth that makes it funny or amusing; the ability to laugh at things that are amusing幽默;幽默感◆she ignored his feeble attempt at humour.她没理会他想表现却又别脚的幽默。◆she has her very own brand of humour.她的幽默很独特。◆he has a good sense of humour.他很有幽默感。 ➡ see also humorous → funny ■ wit [uncountable, singular] the ability to say or write things that are both clever and amusing措辞巧妙的能力;风趣;才思◆a woman of wit and intelligence聪慧风趣的女子◆a book full of the wit and wisdom of his 30 years in politics一本汇集了他 30 年政治生涯的才思和智慧的书◆he was blessed with great charm and a quick wit.他极富魅力,才思敏捷。 ➡ see also witty → funny ■ banter [uncountable] friendly remarks and jokes(善意的)玩笑,打趣◆she engages in friendly banter with her customers.她常和顾客友善地开玩笑。■ comedy /kɒmədi; name kɑːmədi/ [uncountable] the quality in sth that makes it funny or amusing滑稽;幽默;诙谐◆he didn't appreciate the comedy of the situation.他感受不到这种局面的滑稽可笑之处。 ➡ see also comic → funny ■ funny side --> [singular] (rather informal, spoken) the quality in a situation that makes it amusing滑稽;可笑◆try and see the funny side of it.试着发掘一下这事滑稽有趣的一面。humour (bre) (name humor) [uncountable] the quality in sth that makes it funny or amusing; the ability to laugh at things that are amusing幽默;幽默感◆she ignored his feeble attempt at humour.她没理会他想表现却又别脚的幽默。◆she has her very own brand of humour.她的幽默很独特。◆he has a good sense of humour.他很有幽默感。 ➡ see also humorous → funny humour¹/ˈhju:mə(r) ||; ˈhjumɚ/(us 美 humor) noun [u]:1. the funny or amusing qualities of sb/sth 诙谐;幽默: ◇it is sometimes hard to understand the humour (= the jokes) of another country. 外国的笑话有时很难领会。 2. being able to see when sth is funny and to laugh at things 幽默感: ◇rose has a good sense of humour. 罗斯很有幽默感。 3. -humoured(us 美 -humored) (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) having or showing a particular mood 心情…;脾气…: ◇good-humoured 脾气好 humour²/ˈhju:mə(r) ||; ˈhjumɚ/(us 美 humor) verb [t] to keep sb happy by doing what he/she wants 迁就 humoursee ⇨ funny 5     • • •• ⇨ have no sense of humour• ⇨ sense of humour☞ humour¹☞ humour²




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