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单词 buffet
释义 buffet noun¹ 1meal餐饭adjective | verb + buffet | buffet + noun adjective➤free免费自助餐➤all-you-can-eat (especially name) 不限食量的自助餐▸➤delicious, excellent美味的/精美的自助餐▸➤cold (bre) 冷餐会▸➤finger (bre) 用手拿食物吃的自助餐▸➤breakfast, dinner, lunch自助早餐/正餐/午餐verb + buffet➤serve提供自助餐◆a lunch buffet will be served.将提供自助午餐。➤lay out安排自助餐◆a buffet was laid out for the conference delegates.为与会代表安排了自助餐。buffet + noun➤breakfast, dinner, lunch, meal, supper (bre) 自助早餐;自助正餐;自助午餐;自助餐;自助晚餐▸➤table自助餐餐桌▸➤reception (especially bre) 自助餐招待会buffet noun² 2 (especially bre) on a train/in a station火车;车站adjective | buffet + noun adjective➤station车站的快餐部buffet + noun➤car, service(火车上的)餐车;(火车上或车站的)餐饮服务buffet¹/ˈbʊfeɪ; us bəˈfeɪ ||; bəˈfe/noun[c] 1. a meal (usually at a party or a special occasion) at which food is placed on a long table and people serve themselves 自助餐: ◇lunch was a cold buffet. 午饭吃的是自助冷餐。◇a buffet lunch 自助午餐 2. part of a train where passengers can buy food and drinks; a cafe at a station (火车上的)餐车;(火车站的)小餐馆 buffet²/ˈbʌfɪt ||; ˈbʌfɪt/verb [t] to knock or push sth in a rough way from side to side 使摇晃;吹打;推来推去: ◇the boat was buffeted by the rough sea. 小船被汹涌的波涛打得摇来晃去。 buffetsee ⇨ meal 9☞ buffet¹☞ buffet²




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