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单词 exclamation mark
释义 ˌexclaˈmation mark(us 美 ˌexclaˈmation point) noun [c] a mark (!) that is written after an exclamation 感叹号(!)excludeexclude/ɪkˈsklu:d ||; ɪkˈsklud/verb [t] (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) 1. to leave out; not include 排除;不包括: ◇the price excludes all extras such as drinks or excursions. 价钱不包括饮料、游览等一切额外消费。 2. exclude sb/sth (from sth) to prevent sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth 不让进入或参加: ◇women are excluded from the temple. 这座庙不准妇女进入。◇jake was excluded from the game for cheating. 杰克因为作弊而不得参加比赛。 [opp] include 反义词为 include 3. to decide that sth is not possible 认为…是不可能的: ◇the police had excluded the possibility that the child had run away. 警方排除了那小孩是离家出走的可能性。 exclamation mark /··ˈ·· ·/ especially bre 【尤英】 also 又作 exclamation point ame 【美】n [c]the mark (!) that is written after an exclamation [紧接感叹语后的]感叹号(!)




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