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单词 excite
释义 excite [transitive] (rather formal) to make sb feel interest or react in a particular way激发,引起,引发(兴趣或反应)◆this story excited some comment (= made people talk about it).这篇新闻报道引起了一些议论。◆the move excited more criticism abroad than at home.这项措施在国外引发的批评比在国内还要多。excite/ɪkˈsaɪt ||; ɪkˈsaɪt/verb[t] 1. to make sb feel happy and enthusiastic or nervous 使兴奋或激动: ◇don't excite the baby too much or we'll never get him off to sleep. 不要把娃娃逗得太凶,要不然我们哄不了他睡觉。 2. to make sb react in a particular way 引起反应: ◇the programme excited great interest. 这个节目引起了广泛的兴趣。 excitesee ⇨ cause 5 ⇨ excited/exciting 3,9 ex·cite /ɪk`saɪt; ɪkˈsaɪt/v [t] 1. to make someone feel excited or nervous 使激动,使兴奋:◇agassi is the kind of player who really excites the crowd. 阿加斯是那种很会让观众兴奋起来的选手。 2. formal to cause a particular feeling or reaction 【正式】 引发,激起:◇rumours of the couple's divorce have excited a lot of public curiosity. 有关这对夫妻离婚的谣传激发起了公众的极大兴趣。




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