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单词 industrialize
释义 industrialize , industrialise /ɪndʌstriəlaɪz/ verb [intransitive, transitive] if a country or an area is industrialized or if it industrializes, industries are developed there (使国家或地区)工业化◆the southern part of the country was slow to industrialize. 该国的南部工业化进展缓慢。◆a meeting of the world's largest industrialized nations 世界最大工业化国家会议◆the country has the highest level of public debt in the industrialized world. 这个国家在工业化国家中有最高水平的公债。 ▸ industrialization, industrialisation /ɪnˌdʌstriəlaɪzeɪʃn; name -ləz-/ noun [uncountable] ☞ industrializeindustrialize/ɪnˈdʌstrɪəlaɪz ||; ɪnˈdʌstrɪəlˌaɪz/(also -ise) verb [i,t] to develop industries in a country 发展工业;工业化: ◇japan industrialized rapidly in the late nineteenth century. 日本在十九世纪末迅速实现了工业化。 ➔industrialization(also -isation) /-eɪʃn; us -lɪˈz- ||; -ləˈzeʃən/ noun [u]




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