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单词 clue
释义 clue nounadjective | verb + clue | preposition adjective➤good, important, useful, valuable好线索;重要线索;有用的线索;有价值的线索▸➤vital至关重要的线索▸➤obvious明显的线索➤subtle细微的线索➤visual视觉线索➤cryptic隐秘的线索verb + clue➤contain, have, hold包含线索;有线索;掌握线索◆the picture contains subtle clues about the site's history.这幅图包含有关于遗址历史的细微线索。◆diet may hold the clue to the causes of migraine.从饮食之中也许可以觅得患偏头痛的一些原因。➤give (sb), offer, yield提供线索(给某人);引出线索◆the hat gives a clue to the identity of the killer.那顶帽子提供了辨认杀人犯的线索。◆the letter yielded no clues.这封信没有提供任何线索。➤furnish (sb with), provide (sb with), supply (sb with)(给某人)提供线索▸➤leave, leave behind留下线索◆the burglar left no clues.窃贼没有留下任何线索。➤hunt for, look for, search for寻找线索;搜寻线索▸➤discover, find, uncover发现/找到/揭示线索➤decipher, piece together破解线索;把线索拼凑起来➤miss未能抓住线索◆we must have missed some vital clue.我们一定是忽略了某个重要的线索。➤follow追踪线索▸➤follow up追踪线索preposition➤clue about关于⋯的线索◆this research might provide an important clue about how cancer develops.这项研究可能会为癌症成因提供重要线索。➤clue (as) to透露⋯的线索◆a clue as to her whereabouts关于她行踪的线索 clue /kluː/ [countable] an object, piece of evidence or some information that helps the police solve a crime, or that helps you discover the answer to a problem(帮警方破案的)线索,迹象;(解决问题的)提示◆the police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer.警方认为那盘录像带上可能有能确认凶手身分的重要线索。◆diet may hold the clue to the causes of migraine.饮食习惯有可能揭示偏头痛的起因。clue/klu: ||; klu/noun [c] a clue (to sth) a piece of information that helps you solve a problem or a crime, answer a question, etc 线索: ◇the police were looking for clues to his disappearance. 警方正在寻找他失踪的线索。◇the clues for solving a crossword puzzle 做填字游戏的提示 not have a clue(informal 非正式) to know nothing about sth 一无所知;毫无头绪 clue• ⇨ have no idea/not have a clue clue /klu; kluː/n 1. [c] an object or piece of information that helps to solve a crime or something you do not know the answer to 线索,提示:◇+ to police are searching for clues to the identity of the murderer. 警方正在搜寻有关杀人犯身分的线索。◇give (sb) a clue the title of the book should give you a clue as to what it's about. 书的标题应该提示它的内容。 2. not have a clue informal to not know or understand something at all 【非正式】 一无所知,毫无头绪:◇"do you know where karen is?" "i haven't got a clue." “你知道卡琳在哪里吗?”“我一点也不知道。” ☞ clue




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