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单词 industrial
释义 industrial /ɪndʌstriəl/ adjective [usually before noun] 1.connected with industry 工业的;产业的◆an expansion in industrial activity 扩大工业活动◆industrial development/production/output 工业发展/生产/产量◆a large industrial business/conglomerate/group 大型工业企业/企业集团/集团2.used by industries 用于工业的◆chips designed for communications and industrial applications 为通讯和工业应用设计的芯片◆industrial chemicals/equipment 工业用化学制品/设备3.connected with businesses rather than individuals 工业的(与企业而非个人有关的)◆industrial advertising (= advertising to businesses) 工业广告◆industrial consumers 工业用户4.having many industries 有很多产业的;工业发达的◆an industrial area 工业区◆the world's leading industrial nations 世界主要工业国 (hr 人力资源) connected with the work that you do 工作的◆a report on industrial injuries 工伤报告◆an industrial accident/disease 工伤事故/疾病 syn job-related , work-related industrial /ɪndʌstriəl/ noun industrials [plural] (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) manufacturers whose shares are bought and sold on the stock exchange (股票在证券交易所交易的)制造商;上市工业公司◆industrials showed strong earnings growth in the fourth quarter. 第四季度上市工业公司利润涨势强劲。◆the industrials sector (股市中)工业制造板块☞ industrial☞ industrialindustrialadjective◆industrial output工业产量◆industrial chemicals工业用化学品◆the world's leading industrial nations全球主要工业国industrialadjective◆industrial output工业产量◆industrial chemicals工业用化学品◆the world's leading industrial nations全球主要工业国industrial/ɪnˈdʌstriəl ||; ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with industry 工业的;产业的: ◇industrial development 工业发展◇industrial workers 产业工人 2. having a lot of factories, etc 工业发达的: ◇an industrial region/country/town 工业地区╱国家╱城镇 industrialsee ⇨ business 3 in·dus·tri·al /ɪn`dʌstrɪəl; ɪnˈdʌstriəl/adj 1. connected with industry or with the people working in industry 工业的,产业的,产业工人的:◇industrial pollution 工业污染 2. having a lot of factories 有很多工业的,工业发达的:◇an industrial region 工业区 ☞ industrial




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