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单词 induce
释义 induce /ɪndjuːs; name ɪnduːs/ [transitive] (formal) to cause sth or make sth more likely to happen引起;导致;促进◆a glass of warm milk at bedtime may help to induce sleep.睡前喝一杯热牛奶有助于促进睡眠。◆doctors will begin bringing him out of a drug-induced coma on sunday.医生会在周日开始让他脱离药物引起的昏迷状态。ⓘ induce is often used to talk about the effects that sth such as medicine, disease or injury has on the body. * induce 常指药物、疾病或受伤等引发对身体的影响◆hearing loss is often induced by exposure to loud noise.遭受高噪音常会导致听力受损。induce /ɪndjuːs; name ɪnduːs/ [transitive] (always followed by to + infinitive; used especially in negative statements总是后接带 to 的不定式,尤用于否定陈述) (formal) to persuade or influence sb to do sth劝说;诱使◆nothing would induce me to take the job.没有什么能诱使我接受那份工作。◆no amount of persuasion could induce her to stay longer.怎么劝她也不愿多待一会儿。 ➡ see also inducement → incentive induce/ɪnˈdju:s; us -du:s ||; ɪnˈdus/verb [t] (formal 正式) 1. to make or persuade sb to do sth 使;劝诱;说服: ◇nothing could induce him to change his mind. 什么也无法使他改变主意。 2. to cause or produce 引起;引致;导致: ◇drugs that induce sleep 导致睡眠的药物◇a drug-induced coma 药物引致的昏迷 3. (medical医学) to make a woman start giving birth to her baby by giving her special drugs 引产 in·duce /ɪn`djus; ɪnˈdjuːs/v [t] 1. formal to make someone decide to do something 【正式】 劝诱[某人做某事],劝说:◇induce sb to do sth whatever induced you to spend so much money on a car? 是什么原因使得你在一辆汽车上花这么多钱? 2. to cause a particular physical condition 引起,导致[某种身体反应]:◇this drug may induce drowsiness. 这种药可能引起昏昏欲睡的感觉。 3. to make a woman give birth to her baby by giving her a special drug [用药物]为[产妇]引产




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