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单词 despair
释义 despair nounadjective | verb + despair | preposition | phrases adjective➤black, deep极度绝望;心灰意冷▸➤complete, total, utter完全失望;彻底绝望verb + despair➤feel感到绝望➤fall into陷于绝望◆he fell into despair over his failure as a husband.他因为自己是个失败的丈夫而陷入绝望之中。➤drive sb to使某人陷于绝望◆a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world一个因成人世界的虚伪而陷入绝望的十多岁的少年preposition➤in despair绝望地◆robert shook his head in despair.罗伯特绝望地摇了摇头。➤of despair绝望的⋯◆she let out a cry of despair.她绝望地喊了一声。➤with despair绝望地◆he cried out with despair.他绝望地大声呼喊。➤despair at, despair over因⋯的绝望◆i felt despair at being deceived.我因被骗而感到绝望。◆his despair over the loss of his wife他因失去妻子而感到绝望phrases➤the depths of despair深深的绝望◆when he became ill he sank to the depths of despair.他患病时陷入深深的绝望之中。➤in a moment of despair一时绝望➤a feeling of despair, a sense of despair绝望感◆i was overcome with a feeling of utter despair.我一时万念俱灰。 despair noundespair ♦︎ desperation ♦︎ hopelessness ♦︎ desolationthese are all words for a feeling of having no hope.这些词均表示绝望。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆despair / desperation at sth◆in despair / desperation◆utter despair / desperation / hopelessness◆to drive sb to / feel despair / desperation◆a feeling / sense of despair / hopelessness / desolation■ despair /dɪspeə(r); name dɪsper/ [uncountable] the feeling of having lost all hope because a situation is so bad and you feel you can do nothing to improve it绝望;走投无路◆he gave up the struggle in despair.他绝望地放弃了挣扎。◆she was close to despair.她几乎绝望了。◆eventually, driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.他被逼得走投无路,最后卧轨自杀了。◆one harsh word would send her into the depths of despair.一句严厉的话就会使她陷入极度的绝望之中。opp hope → hope noun 1 ■ desperation /despəreɪʃn/ [uncountable] the feeling of being in such a bad situation that you are ready to try anything to improve it without worrying about danger to yourself or others绝望;不顾一切;铤而走险◆in desperation, she called louise and asked for help.在走投无路的情况下,她给路易丝打电话求助。◆there was a note of desperation in her voice.听她的声音她急坏了。◆the robbery was an act of sheer desperation.这次抢劫完全出于走投无路下的铤而走险。■ hopelessness [uncountable] a feeling of having no hope about the future绝望;无望◆this way of thinking can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.这种思维方式会使人陷入绝望。 opp hope → hope noun 1 ■ desolation /desəleɪʃn/ [uncountable] (written) a feeling of being very lonely and without hope孤寂;无望◆her death left him with a terrible sense of desolation.她的去世使他甚感孤寂。 ➡ see also desolate → lonely despair verbdespair ♦︎ give up hope ♦︎ lose hope ♦︎ lose heartthese words all mean to stop believing that sth you want will happen.这些词均表示灰心绝望、丧失信心。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to despair / give up hope / lose hope of sth◆to despair / give up hope that...◆to almost despair / give up hope / lose hope◆to never give up hope / lose hope / lose heart◆to give up / lose all hope◆don't despair / give up hope.■ despair /dɪspeə(r); name dɪsper/ [intransitive] to stop believing that there is any possibility that a bad situation will change or improve绝望;灰心;失去希望◆don't despair! we'll think of a way out of this.别灰心!我们会找到出路的。◆they'd almost despaired of ever having children.他们对生孩子几乎不抱任何希望了。◆i despair of him; he can't keep a job for more than six months.我对他绝望了,他做任何工作都不超过半年。■ give up hope -->phrase(gave, given)to stop believing that sth you want will happen放弃希望;丧失信心◆don't give up hope yet.别这么快失去信心。◆they have given up hope of finding any more survivors.他们对再找到幸存者已不抱希望了。 ➡ see also hope → hope noun 1 ■ lose hope -->phrase(lost, lost)to stop believing that sth you want will happen失去希望;丧失信心◆we have lost all hope of a negotiated settlement.我们对谈判解决已失去所有希望了。◆i never lost hope, even when i was told i would never walk again.我从不灰心丧气,即使在被告知再也不能走路的时候也是如此。 ➡ see also hope → hope noun 1 note 辨析 give up hope or lose hope?you often lose hope gradually as a situation gets worse or the chances of sth happening seem to get less. you give up hope when you realize at a particular point that sth is not going to happen as you want. * lose hope 常指由于情况恶化或某事发生的可能性减小而逐渐失去希望,give up hope 则指在某个时刻意识到某事不可能如自己所愿地发生而放弃希望。■ lose heart -->idiom(lost, lost)to stop hoping for sth or trying to do sth because you have not been successful so far and you no longer feel confident丧失信心;泄气◆we mustn't lose heart just because of a temporary setback.我们切莫仅因暂时的挫折就丧失信心。opp take heart ⓘ if you take heart, you start to feel more positive about sth. * take heart 表示开始对某事增强信心◆the government can take heart from the latest opinion polls.政府可以从最近的民意测验中找回信心。despair /dɪspeə(r); name dɪsper/ [uncountable] the feeling of having lost all hope because a situation is so bad and you feel you can do nothing to improve it绝望;走投无路◆he gave up the struggle in despair.他绝望地放弃了挣扎。◆she was close to despair.她几乎绝望了。◆eventually, driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.他被逼得走投无路,最后卧轨自杀了。◆one harsh word would send her into the depths of despair.一句严厉的话就会使她陷入极度的绝望之中。opp hope → hope noun 1 despair /dɪspeə(r); name dɪsper/ [intransitive] to stop believing that there is any possibility that a bad situation will change or improve绝望;灰心;失去希望◆don't despair! we'll think of a way out of this.别灰心!我们会找到出路的。◆they'd almost despaired of ever having children.他们对生孩子几乎不抱任何希望了。◆i despair of him; he can't keep a job for more than six months.我对他绝望了,他做任何工作都不超过半年。despair¹/dɪˈspeə(r) ||; dɪˈspɛr/noun [u] the state of having lost all hope 完全失去希望;绝望: ◇i felt like giving up in despair. 我感到绝望,很想放弃。 ➔despairing adj a despairing cry 绝望的呼叫 ☞look at desperate. 参看desperate。 despair²/dɪˈspeə(r) ||; dɪˈspɛr/verb [i] despair (of sb/sth) to lose all hope that sth will happen 完全失望;绝望: ◇we began to despair of ever finding somewhere to live. 我们开始感到绝望,恐怕永远找不到住处了。 despairsee ⇨ hope 8,10 ⇨ sad 8     • • •• ⇨ drive sb to despair☞ despair¹☞ despair²




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