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单词 basement
释义 basement nounadjective | basement + noun | preposition adjective➤dark, unlit, windowless幽暗的/无灯光的/无窗的地下室➤damp, dank潮湿的/阴湿的地下室➤cold, cool寒冷的/凉爽的地下室➤flooded被水淹的地下室➤finished, unfinished (both name) 竣工的/未竣工的地下室▸➤bargain (usually figurative) 价格低廉◆bargain-basement prices甩卖价basement + noun➤apartment, bar, flat, kitchen, room, studio地下室公寓;地下室酒吧;地下室厨房;地下室房间;地下室工作室▸➤door, floor, stairs, steps, wall, window地下室门;地下室地板;地下室楼梯;地下室台阶;地下室墙;地下室窗户▸➤car park (bre) 地下停车场preposition➤in a/the basement在地下室◆the canteen is down in the basement.食堂在地下室。 basement nounbasement ♦︎ cellar ♦︎ bunker ♦︎ cryptthese words all mean a room that is below the level of the ground.这些词均表示地下室。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆in a basement / cellar / bunker / crypt◆the basement / cellar door / stairs / steps■ basement [countable] a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the level of the ground地下室◆kitchen goods are sold in the basement.厨房用具在地下室出售。■ cellar /selə(r)/ [countable] a room under the ground floor of a building, usually used for storing things(常用于储物的)地窖,地下室◆we looked all over the house, even down in the coal cellar.我们找遍了整栋房子,甚至连贮煤的地窖也找过了。note 辨析 basement or cellar? basement is usually used to talk about an underground level in a large or modern building. cellar is usually used to describe an underground space for storing things, especially in an older building, that is not usually suitable for living in. * basement 通常指大型或现代建筑的地下楼层。cellar 通常指较老的建筑内用于储物的地下空间,一般不宜居住。■ bunker /bʌŋkə(r)/ [countable] a strongly built shelter for soldiers or guns, usually underground地堡;(地下)掩体◆in preparation for the worst, huge underground bunkers were built.兴建了大型地堡,以应对最坏的局面。■ crypt /krɪpt/ [countable] a large room or series of rooms under the floor of a church, used especially in the past as a place for burying people(尤指旧时作墓穴用的)教堂地下室◆nelson's final resting place was in the crypt of st paul's cathedral.纳尔逊最后的安息处是在圣保罗大教堂的地下墓穴。 basement [countable] a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the level of the ground地下室◆kitchen goods are sold in the basement.厨房用具在地下室出售。basement/ˈbeɪsmənt ||; ˈbesmənt/noun [c] a room or rooms in a building, partly or completely below ground level 地下室;地库;地下层: ◇a basement flat 地库套房 ☞look at cellar. 参看 cellar。 base·ment /`besmənt; ˈbeɪsmənt/n [c]a room or rooms in a building that are under the level of the ground 地下室; 地库




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