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单词 narrow
释义 narrow verb¹ 1of a road/river/gap/range道路;河流;差距;范围adverb | preposition adverb➤considerably, significantly大幅度收窄;显著变窄◆the gap between the candidates has narrowed significantly.候选人之间的差距明显缩小。➤a little, slightly, etc.略为/稍微收窄◆the river narrows a little here.河在这里变窄了一点。◆the trade deficit with china narrowed slightly.对中国的贸易赤字略微减缩。➤dramatically, sharply急剧/骤然缩窄◆the gap between the two parties narrowed sharply in the days before the election.选举前夕两党之间的差距骤然缩小。➤gradually逐渐缩窄◆left untreated, the arteries will gradually narrow, restricting the flow of blood.如不加以治疗,动脉会逐渐变窄,从而限制血液流通。preposition➤to缩窄到◆by the final round the gap had narrowed to three votes.最后一轮差距缩小到了 3 票。narrow verb² 2of eyes眼睛adverb | preposition adverb➤slightly微微眯起眼睛◆her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied the woman.她微微眯起眼睛审视那个女子。➤suddenly突然眯起眼睛▸➤dangerously, suspiciously危险地/怀疑地眯起眼睛◆his blue eyes narrowed suspiciously.他的蓝眼睛怀疑地眯了起来。preposition➤against对着⋯眯起眼睛◆lee's eyes narrowed against the harsh glare of the sun.李在烈日的强光下眯起了眼睛。➤at因⋯眯起眼睛◆his eyes suddenly narrowed at the sight of her.他一看到她眼睛就眯了起来。➤in因⋯眯起眼睛◆her eyes narrowed in anger.她生气地眯起了眼睛。➤to眼睛眯成◆his eyes narrowed to slits.他的双眼眯成了缝。➤with⋯地眯起眼睛◆his eyes narrowed with suspicion.他怀疑地眯起眼睛。narrow adjective¹ 1not wide窄verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, seem窄;看上去窄;好像窄▸➤become, get变窄adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常狭窄◆the pass gets extremely narrow at its eastern edge.这个隘口的东边非常窄。➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略显狭窄◆the rear part of the casing is slightly narrower than the front.套子的后部比前部稍窄。➤relatively相对狭窄narrow adjective² 2limited有限verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem有限;好像有限▸➤become变得有限adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有限▸➤increasingly越来越有限▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍显局限▸➤comparatively, relatively比较/相对有限preposition➤in在⋯方面狭隘◆people who are rather narrow in outlook思想有些狭隘的人 narrow /nærəʊ; name -roʊ/ adjective1.small 微小的◆a narrow majority 微弱多数◆a narrow sales rise of 0.5 per cent 销售额微增 in variety or numbers (种类或数目)有限的,范围狭小的◆the store sells only a narrow range of goods. 这家商店出售的商品种类有限。 narrow /nærəʊ; name -roʊ/ verb [intransitive, transitive] to become less or smaller; to make sth become less or smaller 使窄小;变窄;缩小;缩减◆the gap between short- and long-term interest rates is likely to narrow. 短期利率和长期利率的差距可能会缩小。◆the company saw its losses narrow in the third quarter. 这家公司发现其第三季度的亏损减少了。◆exports to the us helped narrow britain's trade gap. 对美出口有助于缩小英国的贸易逆差。 ●narrow sth down (to sth)to reduce the number of possibilities or choices 把(可能性或选择)缩小;缩小范围◆we have narrowed down the list to four candidates. 我们把范围缩小到四位候选人。☞ narrow☞ narrow narrow adjectivenarrow ♦︎ thin ♦︎ finethese words all describe sth which measures a short distance from one side to the other.这些词均表示狭窄的、窄小的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a narrow / thin / fine crack / strip◆narrow / thin shoulders◆(a) thin / fine hair / thread / layer◆very / extremely narrow / thin / fine◆quite narrow / thin■ narrow measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to its length狭窄的;窄小的◆i love walking down the narrow streets in the old city.我喜欢在老城狭窄的街道上散步。◆i sat next to him on the narrow bed.我紧挨着他坐在狭窄的床上。◆the jacket looked very large across his narrow shoulders.这件夹克衫穿在他窄小的肩头显得很大。◆there was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall.床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。 opp wide , broad → wide 2  ➡ see also narrow → shrink verb ■ thin having a smaller distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal薄的;细的◆cut the vegetables into thin strips.把蔬菜切成细丝。◆a number of thin cracks appeared in the wall.墙上出现了一些细裂缝。◆the body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.尸体被埋藏在薄薄的一层土下面。◆the wind blew cold through his thin shirt.风吹透他薄薄的衬衫,冷飕飕的。 opp thick → wide 2 note 辨析 narrow or thin? narrow describes sth that is a short distance from side to side. thin describes sth that has a short distance through it from one side to the other. * narrow 表示窄,thin 表示细、薄◆narrow / thin shoulders / strips / cracks窄窄的/细细的肩膀;细条;细裂缝◆thin streets ◆a thin bed/gap ◆a narrow layer/shirt ■ fine very thin纤细的;很细的◆his fine blond hair came down almost to his shoulders.他纤细的金发几乎垂至肩部。◆you could see the sweat in the fine hairs above his upper lip.可以看见他上唇上方纤细绒毛里的汗滴。◆acupuncture uses fine needles inserted into the patient's skin.针刺疗法用细针扎进病人的皮肤里。◆i need a brush with a fine tip.我需要一支笔尖纤细的画笔。narrow [usually before noun] only just achieved or avoided勉强的;刚刚好的◆he blamed the goalkeeper for the narrow defeat against ireland.被爱尔兰队险胜,他责怪起守门员来。◆she lost the race by the narrowest of margins.她以极小的差距在赛跑中落败了。◆she was elected by a narrow majority.她以微弱多数当选。◆he had a narrow escape (= nearly had a bad accident) when his car skidded on the ice.车在冰上打滑,他险些出事。narrow (usually disapproving) limited in variety or numbers; limited in a way that ignores important issues or the opinions of other people(种类或数目)有限的;范围小的;狭隘的;目光短浅的◆she only has a narrow circle of friends.她的交友圈子很窄。◆the exhibition is disappointingly narrow in scope.此次展览规模有限,令人失望。◆she has a very narrow view of the world.她对世界的认识非常狭隘。opp wide , broad → wide 1 narrowmeasuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to its length狭窄的;窄小的◆i love walking down the narrow streets in the old city.我喜欢在老城狭窄的街道上散步。◆i sat next to him on the narrow bed.我紧挨着他坐在狭窄的床上。◆the jacket looked very large across his narrow shoulders.这件夹克衫穿在他窄小的肩头显得很大。◆there was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall.床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。 opp wide , broad → wide 2  ➡ see also narrow → shrink verb narrow [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth narrower变窄;缩小;使变窄◆this is where the road narrows.这条路就是在这里变窄的。◆her eyes narrowed (= almost closed) to slits.她的眼睛眯成了两道缝。◆the gap between the two teams has narrowed to three points.两队之间的差距缩小到了三分。◆we need to narrow the health divide between rich and poor.我们需要缩小富人和穷人之间健康状况的差异。opp widen , broaden → expand 1  ➡ see also narrow → narrow adj. narrow/ˈnærəʊ ||; ˈnæro/adj1. having only a short distance from side to side 狭窄的: ◇the bridge is too narrow for two cars to pass. 这座桥太窄了,两辆汽车不能同时驶过。 [opp] wide or broad 反义词为wide或broad 2. not large 小的;不大的: ◇a narrow circle of friends 交游不广 3. by a small amount 些微之差的;勉强的: ◇that was a very narrow escape. you were lucky. 那真是死里逃生,你真幸运。◇a narrow defeat/victory 在相差极少的情况下失利;险胜 narrow verb [i,t] ◇the road narrows in 50 metres. 再走50米,这道路就变窄了。 ➔narrowness noun [u] narrow sth down to make a list of things smaller 把一连串东西缩减;缩小范围: ◇the police have narrowed down their list of suspects to three. 警方已经把嫌疑犯的人数缩小到三人。 narrow1 not wide2 to become narrowerrelated wordsoppositewide,see alsothin,1. not wide 不宽的 narrow /ˈnærəʊ/ [adjective] a narrow road, river, bed, space etc is not wide when measured from one side to the other 狭窄的 a steep, narrow path led down through the woods to the beach. 一条陡峭狭窄的小路穿过林子通往海滨。 she climbed through a narrow gap in the fence. 她从篱笆上一个窄窄的缺口爬过去。 the road was too narrow for me to overtake the car in front. 路太窄,我没法超过前面那辆车。 nordic skis are longer, narrower and lighter than alpine skis. 北欧滑雪板比高山滑雪板更长、更窄、更轻。2. to become narrower 变窄 get narrower also narrow /get ˈnærəʊəʳ, ˈnærəʊ/ [verb phrase] if something such as a road, river, path, or passage gets narrower or narrows, it becomes narrow [道路、河流、小径、通道等变窄 at that point the path got narrower and more overgrown with weeds. 在那个地方,小路变得狭窄起来,而且杂草蔓生。 the streets were getting narrower, the houses taller as we approached the oldest part of the town. 我们快到小镇最古老的地区时,街道越来越窄,房子越来越高。get narrower to having narrowed to about 50 feet in the canyon, the river was now moving with speed and fury. 那条河在峡谷里变窄到约50英尺左右,水流变得湍急了,而且波涛汹涌。narrow from something to something up ahead the road was narrowing from three lanes to two. 前面的路渐渐变窄,由三车道变成了两车道。 taper /ˈteɪpəʳ/ [intransitive verb] if something tapers, it is narrower at one end than the other 逐渐变窄 taper to in the north the island is six miles across, but it tapers to two in the south. 这海岛北面有六英里宽,但是逐渐变窄,到南面只有两英里了。taper to a point the leaves are bright green and taper to a point at the tip. 叶子是嫩绿色的,一头逐渐变细,在末端形成一个细尖。 the girl's forehead was broad, tapering to a delicate chin. 那女孩额头宽宽的,脸型逐渐收窄,形成纤巧的下巴。 tapering [adjective only before noun] she had beautiful hands with long tapering fingers. 她的手很漂亮,手指尖尖的,很修长。 tapered [adjective] the columns supporting the arch are tapered and beautifully carved. 拱门的撑柱上细下粗,雕刻精美。☞ narrow¹☞ narrow²




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